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Delmar’s J9

Dear Illustra Chronicles,

Ninth Entry – It has been an intense experience focusing on internship and doing senior project. Doing a page from his personal work “Whatzit”. It is a Good graphic novel, his third i believe. I practiced using his style of coloring. taking two custom brushes and adding a pressure sensor on them which colors with tints. the harder i press with the stylus the darker the tint. I adapted to his style quickly using it in my Projects and various personal work. He helped by guiding me on blocking in colors and having the art really pop.

What i have learned working with gideon was how to “shade color” and use textures in a more artistic way. The way Gideon colors and gives the art life is through the shades of one color he does not add a white over lay or black just the same color, which I have grown to love doing. I have explored almost every aspect of photoshop working in this internship. Using blending tools the various filters and editing my own brushes to fit my needs. now i know how to create an illustration that can seem like the character is a totally different entity from the background. this has boost my confidence as an artist i feel i am growing in this internship.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Delmar’s J8

Dear Illustra Chronicles,

Eighth entry – Working with Gideon I am really seeing the difficulty behind being an illustrator this job is really demanding and you have to have almost back to back projects to eat and pay bills, thats what it seems like it. This specific day I first started out with Converting and Slicing images for his new website, which is under construction. He showed me the rest of the finished book for the Emperor’s Wardrobe and I am happy to have helped with that project and some other work he did for Highlights. Short but productive day we spoke of art and worked on quick sketches for our projects. Another thing i have seen is he does research before working on a project, and not just from the internet he has a library with centuries of work on that shelf drawings, paintings, photos, documentaries; vast knowledge on one shelf. Artists I have never heard of and work I have never seen. I think I will borrow some books and return them when im ready.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm, Uncategorized.

Delayed Gratification response

I found the article “Delayed Gratification” by James Surowiecki an interesting read. Thanks to the little bit of history within this article I learned Layaway was actually started in the nineteen-twenties during the Great Depression. I also found it interesting that during that time items such as refrigerators, washing machines, and furniture, had been purchased on installments. I also agreed with some of the points that were listed in this article. I found the analysis from a financial perspective to be a bit peculiar.  They believe if a credit card holder pays off the remaining balance in full they can avoid service fees that are applied while setting up a layaway plan. Just like James brought to mind, most credit card users do not adapt to this mindset as a result of the enforced credit card company’s guidelines. Most Credit card companies thrive over making the consumer irresponsible. Whether you pay off the small monthly payments or cause delay on payments, they will make money-Especially when it comes to interest rates. When you look at society, there are a vast amount of individuals who are in debt as a result of poor credit card usage. This has been a growing factor also due to high unemployment rates. I strongly agree with economist Richard Thaler ‘s mental accounting theory because I can stand as an advocate for it. Whenever I receive money I always categorize its purpose. I always break it up into the following sub categories: Travel, Food, and Bills. I also find this a common practice amongst money managers. I also believe in Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir money spending concept to an extent. According to the article they state “Layaway is a popular way of making big purchases (like washing machines), because, if you don’t have a lot of money, the presence of a sizable sum in the house or even in the bank means that you’ll be constantly tempted to dip into it.” Even though I believe in Layway usage over making a purchase while using a credit card. I do not believe having a small stash in your house will tempt you to spend. I believe having no self-control will. When I was younger, and unemployed, I used to save a lot of money within my household and never was tempted to use it. This is why I agree with Barton Lipman and Wolfgang Pesendorfer’s concept, which states “People have a profound distaste for temptation, and are willing to go to great lengths to avoid it.” I do however believe Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir’s point of view can be used to back up a scenario involving individuals who have no self-control when it comes to spending. Just like the article states Consumers choices are shaped by social and economical norms. It can be a very tedious scenario trying to save money in a world where spending is idolized. Especially since consumer purchases can be used as a passage for social satisfaction and gratification. It is immensely sad that we live in a capitalist society but we can be a bit wiser when it comes to our spending habits. Even though society can make this extremely hard on us.



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Journal Entry # 14

Christmas is right around the corner! I am so excited but what does this mean? More promo work! For the previous Christmas Holiday The Lip Bar released a limited edition Lipstick line called The Mistletoe Trio. This line consisted of three colors; Holly Jolly, Naughty, and Gifted. Holly jolly is a pine green, naughty is a deep red with gold shimmer and Gifted is a shimmery gold. This year Melissa wasn’t sure if she wanted to bring back the trio or just one particular color from this collection. After a poll via Instagram, Facebook, and a suggestion from both interns, she decided to bring Holly Jolly back to represent Christmas. As a result I had to design a web banner for the shade. I was really happy with the outcome. It really pops on the web page. Something amazing also occurred as well! As a result it kicked off some sales! Lauren also known as the Queenofblending posted a video wearing one of the Lip bars lipstick products. The color she featured on the video was Dark and Stormy. She featured it as part of her neutral eye makeup tutorial. In case you have no idea why this is such great news let me explain. Lauren is one of the many popular makeup gurus on Youtube.” She has over 295,226 subscribers and over 49,506,848 views on her Youtube page. This is an extremely huge deal because due to her large amount of followers, her video, along with a couple of lip swatches for Femme fatale, purple rain, and the Cocktails on the rock’s Amaretto Sour, generated some sales and also exposure for the lip bar. So as a result I was given another assignment to work on a web banner and a social media graphic to post on Instagram. Melissa didn’t really like the first banner I did so I remade a more simplified version, which she liked better.

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Journal entry #13

I was still recovering from my last internship encounter. I still can’t believe how much work went into developing all of the past orders. That experience just opened my eyes to the amount of hard work start up business have to go through when they are in the process of establishing a solid brand. This week Melissa had more orders to pack due to not only the re release of the Night Owl Lipstick but also the 15 percent off Black Friday sale. As a result of this I was able to meet their second Intern who I learned is currently studying Cosmetic Chemistry. I just found this so amazing and also interesting. While I thought I was going to pack some more orders, she was actually in charge of this. I had to work on an assignment I was given earlier in the week. The assignment consisted of making more Instagram graphics for The Lip Bars Instagram page. All work was focused on two popular lines the Lip Bar has; The Virgin Cocktails and Cocktails on the rocks. The Virgin Cocktails is a all nude lipstick line while Cocktails on the rocks are the most moisturizing of all lipstick lines. In consist of Amaretto Sour, Purple Rain, and Cosmo. Amaretto Sour is a serene yellow, Cosmo is a energetic red, and as mentioned in the name, Purple rain is a vibrant purple color. Purple Rain is also the most sought after lipstick shade in this collection. I was able to finish 2 graphics. It was also my birthday that day. I was later on surprised with some cupcakes and a song and dance from the Melissa and Rosco, the creative director.

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Final Journal

In conclusion – and in order to sort of wrap up my thoughts on the two jobs I’ve had this semester…both were great learning experiences. With Ressler, I feel that it’s challanging to meet the design that fits them best. It’s also been difficult to get them to be flexible with this design. But overall – they are an amazing local business and I would love for them to flourish as such.

In regards to SMI – oh, so much to say here…SMI has been the best learning experience in terms of freelance work. Prior to this I had done a few quick jobs that took-max, maybe 3 or 4 days? The work with SMI lasted from late August until just recently – the beginning of December. I’ve mentioned this before, but I really wish I had taken Professor Davis’ class prior to taking on this job. (Or – really, I wish the University will make it mandatory to take Design Team as well as 2 or 3 other classes just like it…) And the reason why is because while I was naively blind to it in the beginning, in the middle and especially the end of the project – I felt like I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I felt disorganized, I felt like the company kept changing things up on me (but I didn’t know how to correct this-), I felt a myriad of things that I should have clarified at the very beginning of the project. But at this point, I’m glad I took it on. As I mentioned before, it was a great learning experience and I am sure not to repeat the same problems again.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Journal #13

While work has wrapped up with SMI – or, at least I think work is finished with SMI. I’m still pushing out email blasts with Ressler. The latest was another Holiday email – this one with the variety of finishes that they carry for chairs. It’s interesting, the work that Ressler does. It really makes me root for them. They’re a small business, started by the current owner’s father. They import some chairs from Italy, some they make in house – and the fabric, the stains/finishes, the details on the chairs are completely up to customers. They have 2 guys working in the warehouse area of the office, building chairs and 2 office workers. They’ve been up and down businesswise – but I’d really love for them to succeed – because I feel that what they do is now so rare. I hardly see mom and pop shops, and especially rare are the shops with goods made from hand in the U.S.

I haven’t heard from SMI in some time. They last mentioned they wanted me to change their site by changing the navigation to just four links (In other words…they wanted me to delete quite a few pages). I created a mockup of this, then created the pages in HTML/CSS and uploaded them as links on my own site (I’ve found that this helps the Director really see what the pages would look like). I sent these to SMI, but am still waiting to hear on whether to proceed with uploading changes. My guess is that they won’t want these changes afterall.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Journal #12

Another journal entry…the big news is that I submitted all of my hard work to SMI this week. As you might recall from previous posts, they gave me a navigation change a couple of weeks ago. This was big. And I really felt like it was bad. Well, it was bad and good. The negative part was that I felt because it was so late in the game, it was really disorganized of SMI. The navigation is a huge part of the site, and it’s usually something that is done very early on. It organizes how users get to pages, the feel of the site, in general – it organizes the site.


Regardless, they submitted the new navigation…and wanted a few new pages. I completed the new navigation and the new pages within a couple of weeks and submitted all of my final work to them. I heard back a few days later that the project had been squashed. My supervisor with SMI mentioned that they wanted to do a complete overhaul of the site and implement a new strategy, make it a complete project. So, this was a disappointing blow. But – to be honest, it was not at all surprising. This project really took some turns throughout…from the beginning, it had been posed as a redesign of a couple of pages: the homepage, the real data page, and the technology page.

But as we went further and further with the redesign, the changes kept happening and happening…and some of this was definitely my fault. I felt like had I submitted a proposal of everything that would change and why (at the very beginning), then this would not have happened. But I think in part because the project was proposed to me so informally, I didn’t think much of it. I had worked with them before, I’m very familiar with the company, with the employees and the general way that they work. Anyway, long story short – they did wind up wanting me to change a few of the pages, but I’m still waiting to hear from them to upload these. And they did pay me for 5 months of work, which they later threw away. But – I got paid, so I’m slightly content.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Journal Fourteen

I once again called in this week to say that I wouldn’t be coming in on my regular day, Tuesday, and would instead come in on Friday, when I had a bit more time.  I feel bad shortening the hours here, but it is the end of the semester, and I have an insane amount of work to do.

I am trying to code a website for this internship class, and I have to try to finish that.  The design is done, but there is a bit of code to do.  Then there is the PHP class, which has been totally confusing for me from the start.  I have to present this week and I really don’t want to up there and make a fool of myself.

I have been working with the Professor a lot on this project, and I leaned on him too much, but my lack of experience in WordPress really set me back.  I could have used a course in that before I began this new class.

I spent most of the weekend trying to get my portfolio together, not realizing that we have an extra week before we have to show it to the faculty.  And lastly, there is the JavaScript class, where I have only done the HTML, and not the JavaScript for the final.  All these classes are hard and it seems like the upper level classes are much harder, and you are just somehow expected to know all sorts of things on your own, that I don’t necessarily know.  I simply don’t have a logical mind either, which is why programming is difficult for me.  I like emotion, intuition, and sensitivity, not cold hard math facts and logic.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

The Precipice

Dear Journal

It has come down to this the final grade I have been working two internships while in school I am nervous as to what will be my final grades with so much work to get done and no longer having my laptop at this point i feel this weekend will be the pit of the Inferno, but I have learned so much still in this time of despair, (laughing as I type). My lessons were verse, in the arts and ethos, my mindset Trying is the best thing you will ever do, if you do not try there will be nothing left, that is to say everything will pass you by but if you try ‘there will be’, a benefit to reap from the obstacle that is or was trying to over take you. Good luck to my peers, after this we all party with Dionysos.

‘Aye, on the shores of darkness there is light,
And precipices show untrodden green’

– John Keats

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm, Uncategorized.