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Yinshi Huang Journal Week 4-7

2/27/2014   After a few days of research, I found some potential photographs to be used, but then I started thinking that I can shoot my own photographs since I have a DSL camera, and I took several photography classes. This might be a good chance to put my skills other to good use. I couldn’t find good picture for the US Open tennis court from stock photo websites. Also, the US Open is during summer so I cannot shoot pictures either. Then I remembered that I went to the US Open in 2012. I started searching for any US Open photographs from my computer, and finally I found photos. My supervisor introduced a photographer from the office, so I asked him for photos of LED and Queens Crossing mall. He gave me about 100 of photos. After I received the photos, I started organizing them. The first thing I had to design was the cover of the brochure. I made three different layouts for the cover and showed them to my supervisor. He picked the best ones and gave me feedback. After that, I edited photos and headlines to keep improving the design. After few times of editing he finally said okay to the cover. He is a professional designer who has more than 20 years of experiences, so it wasn’t easy to get an okay from him, but I felt that I learned a lot just from doing the cover design.

3/7/2014   After spending a significant amount of time on the research and the cover it is time to design second and third pages of the brochure. My supervisor recommended to me to make a spread design, so I took a while to make several layouts. This page will be about the location of Queen Crossing which is the LED located. I used Google map to take screenshots of the area near Queens Crossing, then I started making some sketches for the layout. Some places such as Mets, Tennis Center, and Botanical Garden won’t be interesting to audiences. I got this idea to put the map in the middle and have photos next to it to point out where their locations. I cropped out photos in the same size so they are organized. There were so many places that needed to be pointed out, but I only picked 6 of them. I put 3 photos on each side and used a bar to point them out from the map. For the rest of the places, I typed out their names and put them on the bottom of the page. I showed my supervisor; and made more changes. At the end he approved it and I could move on.

3/11/2014  After I finished my first spread page of the brochure, I started work on the next spread page of the brochure. This page will be about who is in charge of running this LED display. Also, I have to introduce about the Queens Crossing mall, where the LED placed. The company owns this LED called F&T group and it located 12th floor of Queens Crossing building, it also owns Queens Crossing building. I work for a company called Marching Technology and Marching is part of the F&T group. Marching majorly focus on the graphic designs and advertisements designs. Inside of Queens Crossing mall, there are lots of retail stores and restaurants. Also, different type of companies such as law office and medical office are located on different floors. I had to include all these information in this spread page of the brochure. The reason of including this information is let the advertisers know the surrounding environment of the LED. I went back to the photographer and asked for more pictures of Queens Crossing. Also, I was walking around and took some pictures by myself. So, this whole day I spent for doing research. After I came back home, I started to organize photos and choose best ones for work with the brochure.

3/18/2014  Today was a fun day for me; I went the NY Miss Chinese conference with my supervisor. Queens Crossing was one of the sponsors, so we could attend this conference. I brought my camera because I had to shoot photos for my supervisor. This was my first time to experience this type of conference. When we got there, I took out my camera and ready for shooting. There were a lot of people from entertainment companies. Also, champion of the NY Miss Chinese from 2013 were there too. She was so pretty and I was taking a lot of picture for her. Not only the champion, the girls got second place and other awards came too. They also prepared lunch for people; I got some sushi and waited for the conference to start. I was walking around and saw a huge crystal ball sculpture. When I got closer, I figured out that it was made by ice. There was also another sculpture for this event which has NY Miss Chinese logo on it. I got so excited and shoot a lot of photos. Then my supervisor told me the conference is about to start, so we went to seats for sponsors and waited for it to start. The conference started, and the president of NY Miss Chinese organization gave a speech. After her speech, other presidents from the sponsor companies gave speech. Over all it was a fun working day for me.


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Yinshi Huang Journal entries Week1 -3


It was the first day of school, and I haven’t had a class start at 8:30am since I graduated from high school. On the first day of class, Professor talked about the course, an internship class. Based on the course description, we will write journals about the internship we will do this semester. At the end of semester our journal will become a booklet, which we will design. I felt so tired that day; thankfully the professor ended class early. At the end of class the professor asked if anyone was interested in doing an internship at a Chinese TV company called Sinovision. I felt interested because I’m Chinese, so my professor helped me call the supervisor. The supervisor told me he would contact the newspaper department for me. After I ate lunch, I went to the library and got some graphic design books. I found a seat and started reading and put my earphones on. Next thing I knew I fell asleep, and woke up an hour later. After I woke up, I started getting ready to go the next class. The next class is a portfolio class, and I saw a good friend of mine is it. We bought coffee and went to class together. The class started and the professor told us to print out all of our work. We then chose our best work with the professor and reworked them. At the end of the semester those works will become our portfolio. My last class was for the senior project. I already knew a lot about this course because everyone I knew who took the course in the past told me it’s the most difficult. I just hope this semester goes well without any issues.


Today was the first day of my intern. My supervisor told me to come to office at 11am. I woke up at 10 and ate breakfast. The office is 15minutes away from where I live. I arrived at office exactly at 11am, the secretary of the office told me to wait for my supervisor at lobby. My supervisor came and took me to his desk. He gave me a seat next to him. After he introduced a little bit of this company, then he gave me the assignment. My assignment is redesigning a brochure for a LED display in the Queens Crossing mall. This is an ad player digital display. I have to introduce what this LED display is and where it is and what kind of benefit the clients may get by using this LED display in the brochure. He gave me the original brochure as reference. We went to the conference room and talked about the brochure. He gave me the information that I have to put in the brochure. After I went back to my seat, I started researching first. At 2pm my supervisor brought me to the food court in down stair. He bought me Chinese food for lunch. After lunch, we went to a small art gallery because a famous Chinese singer will be there for a conference. I was so excited because I like the singer so much. The singer came in, and had meeting with reporters from TV and newspaper companies. The gallery is part of the company I work, so I could go in with my supervisor. This was the first day of work, and I had a wonderful day.



When I started to work on the brochure for LED and LCD in Queens Crossing mall, my supervisor taught me that 80% of work is research, and the other 20% is designing. First, I was researching photographs for this brochure; I found a free stock photo website called Every Stock Photo. These high resolution photographs are free to use, but I have to site the resources. The first topic my supervisor gave me is the location of Queens Crossing; not a lot of people know about Queens Crossing. Thus I started searching for the type of images that represent Queens. I made a list of things to research. Queens has LaGuardia Airport, Met Willet point, the 7 train, MTA bus lines; US open tennis center, Queens Botanical garden, and lot of Asian marketing. After I made the list, I started looking for photos. I could finally understand why my supervisor said that 80% of work is research. I found a lot of photographs, but not all of them could be use for the brochure. For example sizes don’t fit, and photo the positioning is critical for the brochure. I was literally was sitting in front of the computer all day just looking for images.

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Mohammad Chowdhury

ADV 4900

Journal Entry 8


I am still continuing to work on Atelier. My logo designs have been emailed to the client but he has not responded yet. While we wait I have been told to pick 3 or 4 of my favorite designs and mock up the logos in a landing page, letterhead, business card and envelope. I’ve been working on atelier for quite some time now and I’m starting to feel like atelier is my own client- it’s a good feeling and it’s also challenging. After I finished mocking up designs for the first logo I realized I had started this process in a way that would take me a long time. Like a fool I started designing everything in Photoshop instead of working in illustrator, which would make any revisions a real pain. So I had to reset the palette and worked out a mock-up template in Photoshop so that I could then start to import the designs as smart objects; thereby, expediting the process for any future edits. This little mistake today was actually a great learning experience and a valuable piece of knowledge for the future. Being in this internship is teaching me to be less reliant solely on Photoshop and actually work in unison with illustrator. I should also mention that after showing some of color logos to another designer, Mark Kline, he pointed me in the direction of Josef Albers, whose study of color theory will be an important tool for me when working with combination of colors. All in all, I worked a little slow today but I feel positive that I’ve positioned myself to be more productive the next time I go in. I can now focus fully on designing some great stationery pieces for the client’s consideration.

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Journal #9 – Astrid Sarmiento

Astrid Sarmiento

Intern at A.R.T.S.Y Magazine

Today I was introduced to a website called MailChimp where I am able to design newsletter campaigns to send out to our subscribers. I was told by the creative director that they are different templates and themes that I would be able to choose from to begin my process of designing the newsletter of the week. For this particular newsletter I was inquired to include the MISHKA video post as well as the three most recent posts of the week. Apart from this I also had to include an ad to our latest magazine issue #6 which is available in both apple and the Google play store. For designing this newsletter I had to use images that were sent to me by the creative director from the MISHKA photo shoot as well as the hero images use for the posts in our website. I also had to include the A.R.T.S.Y logo that was sent to me and I had to follow the current color scheme of our magazine as well. Working with MailChimp was pretty fun and easy to deal with so far. I just wish they were better ways to move and shift certain elements around but other than that it’s a pretty good site to design a newsletter.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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Journal #8 – Astrid Sarmiento

Astrid Sarmiento

Intern at A.R.T.S.Y Magazine

Today I was able to browse and hand in all my images for the renaissance photo shoot as well as the Loteria images, plus some background information explaining the purpose of the game and what each card stands for. Furthermore, I was also assigned the task of writing a video series proposal for the promotional purposes of our magazine and for the people that we feature, all of this is part of an upcoming project that is on the works for the summer. Apart from this, I was also requested to come up with a few catchy taglines for this particular project. The reason for this is because we are not allowed to go with the tagline ‘I am ARTSY’ since Pharrell has a project by the name of ‘I am Other’, as a result this will be a copyright infringement. Therefore, I began coming up with the different taglines first in order to move into my next task which would be writing the proposal. When I finally settled for a good tagline I began writing the proposal. With the proposal, I had to basically discuss about the essence of what ARTSY is about and for what we stand for as well as include the few notes that I had written down of what the creative director was expecting to see when reading it to the rest of the chair. Overall, these particular tasks were enjoyable for me since I love writing, doing research and learning about cultures.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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Journal #7 – Astrid Sarmiento

Astrid Sarmiento

Intern at A.R.T.S.Y Magazine

The following assignment for today is to finish off a little bit on what I did last week which was to find out the card names of the game called Lotería.  Today I need to search for all 54 images of each card and I also have to begin designing the YouTube banners for an upcoming video for Mishka, a clothing brand. In order to create these banners, I was told to make seven different variations by using the A.R.T.S.Y typefaces, the brand book and the photos which were sent to me using a program called WeTransfer. I was also given a file of the Mishka Logos and was asked to separate them in Illustrator. I had to convert and have them exported as a png file and later have them saved at 300 ppi. Next, I was told to take the A.R.T.S.Y logo from the brand book and have it drag from a PDF into illustrator.  I had to do the same task here as well. I converted and exported it into a PNG file and later also have it saved at 300ppi. Each of these converted image files was then later email to the person who was taking care of making the video for us. I was also asked to pass the YouTube login information so that he will be able to upload the video. Overall, so far it’s going good in the internship and as time passes I hope to have more tasks where I will be able to learn new things and be part of upcoming projects such as the one taken place currently for our magazine.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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Journal #6 – Astrid Sarmiento

Astrid Sarmiento

Intern at A.R.T.S.Y Magazine

Yesterday, I had a meeting with the CEO to review and discuss the ideas for our upcoming issue #7 which focuses on music. I notified her that one of the artists that I had pitched in our first meeting had contacted me back and that the interview and photo shoot was a go. So soon I will be interviewing an Electronic House/TRAP Music producer by the name of MattyBoh. I am really excited about this interview because I am a huge of his.

Apart from my meeting with the CEO yesterday, today I have been assigned by the creative director to do some research that will be used as inspirations for photo shoots happening later next month. I was told to search for Renaissance paintings that were very dark and religious something similar to the one of the great Italian Renaissance painters Leonardo da Vinci. So far I have been quite picky in trying to find an image or set of images that will help inspire the creative team. I think part of the issue is because I know how important it is to have really great material in order to become inspired.  Aside from searching Renaissance paintings I was also told to look up every card that is used in the Mexican game similar to bingo called Lotería. I immediately mentioned to the creative director that there is a game play like that in Honduras as well. During my research, I was able to discover some pretty interesting facts and background information on the game. For example, I was able to learn that the game was originally and traditionally started in Mexico and that it is made up of 54 cards. Interestingly, enough I was able to find through my research that a lot of these cards are called out with riddles which help to tell the players which card was drawn. Each of these cards traditionally depicts animals, objects and people. A lot of the riddles in this game I found amusing and entertaining. It was awesome to learn that another country plays a similar game to where my mom is from.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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Journal 5

Hee Jung jung
ADV4900 –D299 (wed 8:30 class)
Journal 5

Nail color changing simulation was finally completed. All team member was so struggled to get it done that we were very tired physically. Boss seemed to get realized this that he bought dinner for our team on last Saturday night. We drank beer at bar and built teamwork. This link is the project we had worked so far. ( It was definitely demanding work for our team. We started internet marketing to draw visitors as much as possible. Jay gave me a role to manage Face book page for our business marketing. As I learned how to do marketing at Analytics web site class (The professor is Daniel Wong.) , I created a page and began to add people at random. However, I realized soon that adding people randomly on Face book is the bad method to grow business. My account was eventually blocked from adding people for 7days as Face book notice message was popping up. Beside, most of the my friends have nothing to do with our business products. Jay stopped me to do marketing anymore, instructing me to prepare some banner designs that is going to be used in other social network pages such as Linkdin, Twitter, Google+. There are a lot of things I am learning through this experience and I am realizing that marketing can be much involved in business as much as design field. I thought it was great experience to me to learn marketing in real world, but in school. I designed several banner design for SNS and show them to Jay. He selected only one banner, which makes me excited because he was always rejected my design. I hope the block in face book is going to be unlocked soon. I can not wait to post my banner design there.

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Journal Entry 5

Mohammad Chowdhury

ADV 4900

Journal Entry 5

So, today was a slow day at the office. There wasn’t any real work for me to do so I pretty much ended up doing my own thing. Today was definitely a shift in comparison to last week. I guess not everyday can be exciting for an intern; hopefully those days are rare occurrences. Since there isn’t much to talk about in terms of work at the internship I might as well dive right in and discuss the latest reading in The New Yorker, “Social Animal” by David Brooks. First off I have to mention the writing style, which made for a fun read that wasn’t dry and just stating facts. The usage of fictional individuals to layout key interactions that directly affect our personal development made the article read more like a short story than some kind of a research paper. The writing method certainly helped because this is not some short article.

Brooks really manages to dissect the thinking of individuals of a very specific group in this generation, the Composure Class. Quite frankly, the life they are described to live is the life most individuals strive for in this generation, myself included. There are many points that I found very relatable and pretty true, one such being how men and women think about relationships. Through the first date scenario, Brooks really breaks down how we engage in a situation as simple as a first date, which essentially is just another point in life where we are making decisions that will shape our future. More importantly, this article highlights how our social interactions affect that future. So overall, this is a pretty good article with some nice little insights.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal Entry #5 Second Week of Internship 3/07/14

On the second week of internship I continued to work on the Signature cocktail logo after getting the response from the client. She finally made a decision and now wanted to see a color version of the logo. This week I was also able to help them label their postcard which is one of the ways they promote themselves through direct mail. I worked on excel and edited some addresses that were missing information and printed them out. They have a goal of three hundred mailing labels that have to get put on the postcards every other week to get mailed out. I know three hundred sounds like a lot but we were able to get it done before the end of the week. Since this week the focus was on the direct mail they showed me some of their promotional products that they give to clients when they do their photography. Every time someone hires them for photography they give them a free T-shirt, picture frame, or calendar that has their custom picture and Glyph’s logo. Another way they advertise themselves other than the web is through magazines. They have a one page ad in “The Knot” Magazine which is a popular wedding magazine for brides to be. Next week they will show me how to choose images that will be going into an album and how to edit them. I am looking forward to next week were they will teach me how to use Live Room software which is were they do their retouching for their photography.

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