W57- Stephanie Sanchez

The elegantly W57 a residential building located in the west side highway and 57th street is about to get a whole attention. The convoluted building whose form shift depending on the viewers’ vantage point. From the west side highway you’ll see an asymmetrical peak almost a pyramid; from west 58th a dramatic glass spire and from the front it appear to be a sailboat. As a be thinking about this building a figured out that each side have a relationship with the environment. The front that appear like a sailboat connect to the River Hudson hence its in front of it. The side that appear to be a pyramid it’s try to fix with the skyscrapers around. When the building is illuminated around 6:00pm to 7:00pm, you will have an amazing show. The iridescent play between the sailboat (front of W57) and the River Hudson will conquer your eyes.

 As I pass by the W57 I feel like in other place,the conjunct seen the river and the leafy green courtyards plus the building it’s was an inexplicable emotion, it’s was like peace and happiness and grandeur, but after that you have to close into your own world because then the alleviating traffic noise makes you feel the activity of the city that never sleep.  In order to feel all this emotions you’ll need to go to West of Manhattan. “River feeling is 
As simple as 
Closing your eyes 
For a moment.” –River feeling Julian Man


       This type of building relate to me by the contrasts in which was design and by the environment, the luxurious building combine to the nature making an explosion in my mind and feelings. I would like to live in this amazing building in the future and mightdesign buildings like Bjarke. He is one of my favorite architects.








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The Chrysler Building – Diego Vega

The Chrysler Building in New York is one of the most flamboyant structures built in the city. Despite its height, The Chrysler Building also has a beautiful shape that catches the attention of people immediately. In the top you can see that the building ends with something spiky that points directly to the sky and it seems like a kind of edited sword, which is combined with concrete and other building materials that consequently, make The Chrysler a perfect structure. What I like the most is the brilliance that the tower reflects when the sunlight hits its top.  Once you approach The Chrysler building you can finally notice the mass and the gorgeous contour of it.

The first time I saw this building was amazing because I had never seen a structure of this type before. Even by seeing it from far I felt so lucky and exited to experience the sensation of being close of The Chrysler Building. The feelings I felt were unexplainable; it was a combination of happiness, emotion and doubts; I also wondered myself what could have run through the mind of the person who did this in order to get this ideal design. Its great magnitude makes you feel that you really are in a very well developed city such as New York. To be honest, every time I have the opportunity to look at this spiky building I speak with myself about the properties of it and to encourage myself too that I can do a building like The Chrysler one day; it is just a matter of time.

Since I was a child I have always enjoyed watching movies that were made in Manhattan; especially, action movies. I had incredible dreams in which I was here walking around New York, but all of these emotions were gone when I woke up. Now I can say that I finally made one of my dreams come true. The Chrysler Building was one of the buildings that I wanted to see and touch in person; that is way I never get tired of admiring the architecture of New York. Nowadays, one of my favorite hobbies is to go to Manhattan and look at the wonderful buildings; study and contemplate them in my own way makes me feel satisfied.

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Studio Square by Valerien Yepes

When approaching Studio Square you automatically think capacity. The doors to enter the building are glass but everything is still so dark. The capacity that is being taken away by all the pleasant furniture is used so nicely in an organized way. When entering, you see marvelous wooden furniture. After passing the dark-brown tables and walking on the solid smooth floor you notice the veiew of the substantial garden.

The building is filled with so much open space and darkness. The lights are dimmed and the music has a pumped up beat. The feeling you get at first is spooky but then you feel alive and a part of the building. You walk up the stairs and towards the garden feeling like there is a big space of air inside of you. It turns to excitement. You feel that now the floor isn’t soft, but now stepping on stone. The walls aren’t walls anymore, they’re leaves. When you sit down on the benches you start feeling relaxed and happy, like there is no care in the world.

This building relates to my life because I admire their use of space. I also really love nature. It makes me feel like home and that I’m breathing fresh air. When entering the building it gives me the feeling that I’m living, which I find enjoyable. Everything about the building makes me feel brand new.

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Formal Critique

The MetLife Building, formerly known as the PanAm Building, is a fifty-nine story skyscraper located at 200 Park Avenue between East 43rd and East 45th Street. It was designed in the years 1958-1963 by Emery Roth & Sons, Walter Gropius, and Pietro Belluschi. This building is located above Grand Central Terminal and was originally the headquarters for Pan American World Airways. This building is one of the most recognizable and notable skyscrapers in Manhattan.

The MetLife Building is very tall in stature and commercial in design with large floors accumulating to over three million square feet of floor space. At the time this building was built, it was the largest commercial office space in the world. On top of this building having such a large area of space, it was also conveniently located right above Grand Central Terminal; one of New York City’s most accessed train stations. Since the building was the headquarters for a major worldwide airservice enterprise, it has a helicopter pad on the roof, offering a quick seven to ten minute flight to John F. Kennedy Airport.

This building has a very unique shape; it looks like a elongated octagon, being stretched towards the east and west. It also has a six story parking garage  connected to it, so not only is easily accessible via mass transit but also by driving. I find this building very visually elegant in both its exterior and interior. The MetLife building has been and always will be a historic New York City landmark.


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Alex Cooper

The Citi-group building located in Manhattan is a large skyscraper which has an iridescent style to it. Its location is a prime location that reflects the sun through its window, catching a person’s eye. My first time visiting this building, I couldn’t help but to wonder what material was used to build the exterior of the building. It uses some kind of stone which gives off a shine as if it were glass. The Architect did not

When walking toward the building, you notice how the street level area of the building is hollowed out as if the Architect wanted to remove space from the building after it was done. The peak of the building also looks like the architect originally created a flat- topped building, but then he cut it at a 45 degree angle, creating a right triangle.  As I walked inside the building, I couldn’t help but to notice the large lobby it had as well as the various usages of light within the Lobby. At this time, I have never been to a place with so much luxury. I was taken upstairs almost to the top floors. As soon as I got out the elevator, I was taken to an office of a colleague. I rushed toward the window and could not believe how high I was. This building would certainly not be for someone who is afraid of heights.  The size of the building can cause one to feel like they are protected. It can really keep a person speechless just from being taken around the building.

I feel like this building is a great landmark in NYC. It is certainly a great composition because of the many different aspects it uses. I think this building, as well as a select amount of other skyscrapers in NYC, show the variety of architectural ideas that were used on the building.

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Burj Al Arab description – Carlos Mo Wu

Burj al Arab is a famous hotel located in Dubai. Visually, this building looks soft and light. Even though it looks fragile, it must be strong enough to stand and resist loads in an island. Simplicity and smoothness of this building makes it unique and outstanding. Not only that, the artificial island that holds the building is an accomplishment that enhances the beauty of it. The colors chosen for this building perfectly matches the sea and the sky. No matter how you look at this building, it is beautiful in shape and soft in structure.

It’s obvious that this building makes you feel relaxed because it’s primary function as a hotel. This is not the only reason that makes you feel this way. The site, the environment and interior decorations are big factors that can give you an unforgettable experience. If you walk through the lobby of this hotel, you can feel softness and smoothness everywhere because of the designed materials used to shape the interior part of it. Staying in such a luxury hotel makes you feel the most blessed and lucky person in the world.

I have a strong feeling about this particular building because I personally like soft looking building and how it relates to nature. Also, I believe that staying in such a hotel that includes a nice beach would be a really great experience. This is because I love the theme of buildings and beaches. There was a time where my family and I went to a resort and had three days of fun and relaxing activities. This pretty much explains why I personally like this building and want to visit it.

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Nicolas Rodriguez- 3 paragraph essay

        The Statue of Liberty is what most people hear of and seek when it comes to New York. The statue is of a large woman with a crown with seven spokes, holding a plaque, and a torch. The Statue of Liberty is on top of a pedastal like building. The statue can be described as spiky because of the seven points atop its head. The statue is also one of the largest sculptures made by man. This sculpture was a gift from France.                                                                                                                 

        The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of New York, which fills many people with emotion. Immigrants must arrive to Ellis Island first to enter America, which is the home of the Statue of Liberty. Therefore the statue represents a new life and new beggining with new chances. Since the statue was a gift, it also means cooperation and alliance between America and France. The Statue of Liberty would usually fill peopel with inspiration.

        The Statue Of Liberty is something that gives me a different view on architecture. The statue, in my opinion, is probably the most unique sculpture built. The statue goes outside the normal standards for a building and sculpture. Most man made structures are made in a simillar manner. The statue gives me new ideas and helps me be more creative. I hope to create something as unique as the Statue of Liberty, and make it stand out.

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Upcoming Assignments


  • Write/Post a revised version of your three-paragraph in-class writing assignment that discussed a place in connection with an adjective.
  • Add a substantive comment on at least one post by a classmate
  • Read “Skyscrapers as Superlatives” (also read “House of Glass” if you haven’t already done so


  • Read “Miracle in Bilbao” and “What Should a Museum Be?” in Writing About Architecture (pp. 45-71)
  • Choose three quotations from each piece and be ready to discuss in class why you think they are important and how they relate to the piece as a whole.
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Oct 23 – Class Notes

In-class writing
Choose one of the following adjectives:


and write a three paragraph description of a building or structure that embodies that adjective:

Paragraph 1: describe, in formal terms, what a visitor sees when approaching/entering the building/structure.

Paragraph 2: describe, in experience-driven, emotional terms, the feelings one has inside that space

Paragraph 3: discuss this building/structure in relation to your own life/biography. How does it relate to your life?

formal descriptions

— color of the building
— furniture/furnishings
— light
— texture
— relationship of building to surrounding environment/other buildings
— transition to surroundings

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Grand central Terminal- Stalin Lozado

Grand central terminal designed by Reed and Stem; Warren and Wetmore, is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the world and one of the largest station in the world based on its many platforms; 44 with 67 railroads. This terminal is a great architectural admiration world wide because of its large size and because of its inner capacity.


Opened in 1903 Grand central has a great variety of shops and restaurants for the about 500,000 people that go through it every day. The ceiling itself shows the beaux architectural style of the terminal. Its great glass windows and its classical stone and brick structure give the station a way of life and structural vividness. Its great structural form and its waiting areas are always astonish many of the people that go through daily on their way to work or on their way home. And also people who are sightseeing one of the greatest architectural classics of New York City.


Many architects say that Grand central terminal is a sight to see because of its great history and structure, and I agree that this station is a place where many people take their wedding pictures or where they just go relax with the family. This terminal is a great structure and family place and a great traveling station.

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