The Hearst Tower

The Hearst Tower, located on West 57th street was designed by Sir Norman Foster of Great Britain. The building is a very high-tech, modern styled building. It was constructed in April 30, 2003. It was built on top of the original Hearst headquarters which is the smaller, 6 story building that originally occupied the space. This building really shows the contrast of the different style of architectural design through this project. The building is the first in New York City to be listed as a “green” building.

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Saint Patrick’s Cathedral – Carlos Mo Wu

Saint Patrick’s Cathedral is a Neo- Gothic church designed by the architect, James Renwick Junior. This cathedral is located at 5th Avenue and 50th Street, Manhattan, New York City. The construction of this church lasted from 1858 to 1878. The reason of this project was to replace the old Saint Patrick’s. The cathedral is currently active and undergoing a major restoration. Some classic architectural features can be found at Saint Patrick’s which are stained glasses, ribbed arches, cluster columns, etc. In 1976, it was declared National Historic Landmark.

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Central Park Manuel Margarito

The city is filled with many parks but there will always be that one special park in New York. Central Park has brought beautiful sights and events that can be socialized with New York. The Park is filled with giant boulders that were bought from up north during the second ice age. The way the trees change the colors of there leaves in Autumn is reason alone to go visit the beautiful park.

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Barclays Center Austin Felix

After a long ten years of controversy and planning the Nets basketball franchise are welcomed to the Atlantic yards in the new Barclays Center.  This new building with a non ordinary exterior, provides the new community with entertainment hosting sporting events concerts and many more. Also Barclays center gives Brooklyn a major sporting team after the many years of not having one. This new facility will open up multiple opportunities to the communtiy offering jobs and attract people to the Atlantic Terminal Mall.

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Class Notes – 11-27-12

primary and secondary sources

primary sources:
original documents that come directly from the source and are of the time period in question

historical event: building created – ex. plans, contracts/legal documents, zoning/governmental documents, public relations documents (advertising/promotion), photos (of building, of architectural/historical details, of neighborhood, or structure there before building was built), videos, autocad files

architect’s career: presentation files, statements about their buildings, sketches, autobiography, writing – journal, sketechbook, facebook, letters/emails/texts, connection to other buildings
secondary source:

biographies, newspaper articles written after period in questions, books about the architect/building/etc

annotated bibliography

citing images


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Madison Square Garden

Madison Square Garden should be kept just as it is. (Architects name). Wants to change this iconic location where hundreds of performers reached the peak of their career by getting to performing in such an infamous location. He believes that it is time for a change so for that reason he believes it would be a great idea to make the arena one of the biggest strip clubs there is. Notmally i would not be bothered by that idea if it was in a different venue but because its Madison Square Garden i have to be against the idea and im pretty sure you are too. So join me to help stop this soon to be disaster.

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Preserving a structure- Manuel Margarito

Newtown High school is a place where hundreds of students in New York go to get a great education. The architect Morpheus wants to tear it down to build a casino. The tower is an iconic symbol to the community. Its presence is there to remind Newtown  students that they tower above the rest. Morpheus is a greedy man trying to make millions of of this project. the project itself would disturb the peace of the surrounding Neighborhood. So join me and help me to save the tower.                                                

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Zuccotti Park- Raveena Bahadur

Zuccotti Park is a year-round tourist attraction. Its location is in the right in the middle of the World Trade Center, the Stock Exchange, and Trinity Church. So much has happened in this area, including the Occupy Wall Street movement. To build a gas station over this historic park is absurd. This park has been around since 1968, and it has been an area for people to sit and relax. Whether it’s eating lunch or just talking with friends, it brings joy to a lot of people. Although there is a dearth of gas stations in Manhattan, Zuccotti Park is not the place for it. Tourists give business to all the stores and stalls around this park. With the park gone, stores will lose business because the traffic of the area will decrease. Everyone will be in cars instead of walking around, and exploring Downtown Manhattan. Thus, people will be less inclined to buy something from a vendor, or to go walk into a store around that area. If you are in a car, it will be more difficult to stop and shop.

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Riverside Church – Diego Vega

The Riverside Church is a full splendor. The church that was built in 1927 is one of purest structure and one of the most acknowledged places in New York nowadays. Many important characters have given speeches in this admirable place such as, Martin Luther King Jr. in his opposition to the Vietnam War at Riverside on August 9. Worth considering the Riverside Church as a unique structure that has the perfect qualities of how a church should be structurally and functionally. From the outset, the Riverside Church has been a complex social service, with a day care center, a library, classrooms, etc. and what disappoints me and makes so angry is the decision of some owners to make the Riverside Church a court of justice and as a part of the plan this new project consists of demolishing a 75% of the structure in order to make the required areas and spaces that a court needs. This pretended project is an insult and a degrading idea; practically, I call it a violation to the history and structural process of the Riverside Church and even a lack of respect to the humanity of the people who are part of the church; people who day by day work to preserve the truth value and the tradition of the Riverside Church; considered as a master piece by those skilled in this matter.

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