Class Info

  • Date: Thursday, 9/23/21, 4:05 – 5:45pm
  • Meeting Info: The class will meet live on zoom today
  • Exam 1: The first exam will take place during class next Thursday, 9/30/21. A review sheet can be found here. More details about the format of the exam will be posted over the weekend.

To-Do Before Class

  • N/A


  1. Section 2.7 Quantifiers
  2. Section 2.8 More on Conditional Statements
  3. Section 2.9 Translating English to Symbolic Logic
  4. Section 2.10 Negating Statements
  5. Section 2.11 Logical Inference


  • Understand and manipulate statements with universal and existential quantifiers
  • Translate English language statements into symbolic logic, and vice versa
  • Apply the rules for negating different types of statements


Zoom recording

class notes:

Slides for today’s class.

To-Do After Class

You have one assignment to complete:

Homework due Thursday 9/30: WeBWorK Assignment4-Sec2.7-2.11.

Prepare for Exam #1 taking, which will take place next Thursday 9/30. You may use this Review Sheet to study for the exam (however, it is not required and will not be collected).

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