Hi everyone,
Attached are the final drafts of each group paper – excellent work, everyone!
Best regards,
Prof. Reitz
Hi everyone,
Attached are the final drafts of each group paper – excellent work, everyone!
Best regards,
Prof. Reitz
Hi everyone,
The group process paper will be worth 35 points towards your Project grade. I will be filling out the sheet below for each paper submitted. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Prof. Reitz
Semester Project – Puzzle Process Paper
Grading Criteria
_____ points (3 possible). Basics/formatting. Length (1500 words required). Group members names. Semester/Date/Course.
_____ points (2 possible). Puzzle description. Description given in own words, demonstrates understanding of puzzle mechanics.
_____ points (16 possible). Proof process narrative.
_____ points (4 possible). Shows progress across various stages of the project.
_____ points (4 possible). Includes all participating members of the group.
_____ points (4 possible). Includes objective facts (“what we did”) as well as experience (“how it felt, what it was like”).
_____ points (4 possible). Tells a story.
_____ points (5 possible). Conjecture.
_____ points (3 possible). State your group’s conjecture.
_____ points (2 possible). Proof or disproof of conjecture. If no proof or disproof was obtained, these points can be earned by clear explanation of proof process in the preceding account.
_____ points (9 possible). Images (3 points each). Original or clearly attributed. Includes caption. Connection to puzzle/process is evident.
____ points TOTAL (35 possible)
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