Category: Assignments (Page 1 of 3)

Grades will be submitted by 12/27

Hi everyone,

Just a heads up – I will be submitting grades by the deadline (12/27), but will likely not be able to get them in earlier as I had planned (unfortunately my family has been sick this week).  Once I have submitted grades in CUNYFIRST, I will also post detailed info here on the OpenLab.


Happy holidays to all,

Prof. Reitz


OpenLab #8: Advice for the Future

Assignment (due Thursday, December 15).  Imagine that you are invited to speak on the first day of MAT 2071, to give advice to entering students.  Write at least three sentences responding to at least one of the following, describing what you would tell them.

  1. What do you wish that you had been told at the start of this class, to help you succeed?
  2. Choose one topic in the course that is especially challenging. Identify it, and give advice to students trying to master that topic.
  3. What is the most important prior knowledge (not taught in the class) that you need in order to succeed?  Why is it important?

Extra Credit.  Respond to someone else’s comment.  Do you agree? disagree? Have anything to add?

Week 16 Assignments

Written work: The following problems are SUGGESTED for practice (they could be on the final!), but will NOT be collected.
Sec 12.5 p214: 2, 6
Sec 12.6 p216: 1, 2
Sec 13.1 p222: 1, 4, 5
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – OpenLab #8: Advice for the future, Due Thursday 12/15.
Project Reflection – Due before the final exam, Tuesday 12/20.



Week 15 Assignments

UPDATE: Sections 12.5 and 12.6 will be covered *next week* (they have been removed from your homework assignment for this week).

Written work – Due Tuesday, 12/6:
Sec 12.1 p200: 1,3,7,10
Sec 12.2 p204: 1,7,8
Sec 12.4 p210: 3, 7, 10
Sec 12.5 p214: 2,6
Sec 12.6 p216: 1,2
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – none


Group Paper: Final draft of paper due Thursday, 12/1

Group Presentations on Thursday, 12/1:

  • Armando and Gary
  • Violanda

Group Presentations on Tuesday, 12/6:

  • Tyniqua, Sonam and Ahmad
  • Hanan, Jeron and Ismael


Week 14 Assignments

Written work, due Tuesday, November 29th, in class:
Section 11.0 p178: 3,4
Sec 11.2 p187: 1,2,7 – In addition, complete Example 11.8 at the top of p182.
WeBWorK – Assignment 6, due Tuesday, November 29th, at end of day.
OpenLab – none

Project Deadlines:
Final Draft of paper due in class on Thursday, 12/1.

Group Presentations on Thursday, 12/1:

  • Armando and Gary
  • Violanda

Group Presentations on Tuesday, 12/6:

  • Tyniqua, Sonam and Ahmad
  • Hanan, Jeron and Ismael


Week 13 Assignments

Written work, due Tuesday, November 29th, in class:
Section 11.0 p178: 3,4
Sec 11.2 p187: 1,2,7 – In addition, complete Example 11.8 at the top of p182.
WeBWorK – Assignment 6, due Tuesday, November 29th, at end of day.
OpenLab – none

Project – First draft of group paper due in class this Thursday, 11/17.
Final Draft of paper due in class on Thursday, 12/1.
Group Presentations on Thursday, 12/1 and Tuesday, 12/6.

Week 12 Assignments

Written work – Due Tuesday, November 15, in class:
Chapter 10 p167: 1, 2, 5, 10, 15
Chapter 10 p167: 25, 28, 30
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – none

Project – First draft of your group paper is due in class on Thursday, 11/17.

Week 11 Assignments

Written work, Due Tuesday, November 8th, in class:
Chapter 9 p152: 3, 4, 5
(Chapter 10 has been extended until Nov 15: Chapter 10 p167: 1, 2, 5, 10, 15)
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – OpenLab #7 due Thursday, November 10th
Project – Group Process paper initial draft due 11/17


Week 10 Assignments

Written work, Due Tuesday, November 1st, in class:

Chapter 8 p145: 3, 7, 18, 19
Chapter 6 p.116: 3,4,5,8,9
Chapter 7 p129: 5, 9, 10, 12

WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – OpenLab #6: Proof Journal due next Thursday, November 3rd, in class.

Week 9 Assignments

Written work, Due Thursday, October 27, in class:
Chapter 6 p.116: 3,4,5,8,9
Chapter 7 p129: 5, 9, 10, 12
      **NOTE: this assignment is due on Thursday, instead of on Tuesday, because we have our second exam on Tuesday.
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – none


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