UPDATE: Sections 12.5 and 12.6 will be covered *next week* (they have been removed from your homework assignment for this week).

Written work – Due Tuesday, 12/6:
Sec 12.1 p200: 1,3,7,10
Sec 12.2 p204: 1,7,8
Sec 12.4 p210: 3, 7, 10
Sec 12.5 p214: 2,6
Sec 12.6 p216: 1,2
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – none


Group Paper: Final draft of paper due Thursday, 12/1

Group Presentations on Thursday, 12/1:

  • Armando and Gary
  • Violanda

Group Presentations on Tuesday, 12/6:

  • Tyniqua, Sonam and Ahmad
  • Hanan, Jeron and Ismael