2016 Fall – MAT 2071 Proofs and Logic – Reitz

active 5 years, 5 months ago
2016 Fall - MAT 2071 Proofs and Logic - Reitz
This Course is OPEN.
Course Code
MAT 2071
Semester / Year
Fall 2016
Course Description

This course is designed to prepare students for an advanced mathematics curriculum by providing a transition from Calculus to abstract mathematics. The course focuses on the processes of mathematical reasoning, argument, and discovery. Topics include propositional and first order logic, learning proofs through puzzles and games, axiomatic approach to group theory, number theory, and set theory, abstract properties of relations and functions, elementary graph theory, sets of different cardinalities, and the construction and properties of real numbers.

Avatar and Header images are public domain works from Glitch the Game, created by Tiny Speck, Inc. (http://www.glitchthegame.com/public-domain-game-art/)


This course was created by: Jonas Reitz

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Comment on "OpenLab #8: Advice for the Future"

[…] see the assignment and the students’ responses, follow this link for Fall 2016 a […] See MoreComment on "OpenLab #8: Advice for the Future"

Comment on "Grades will be submitted by 12/27"

Thank you Professor, Retiz Hope everyone in your family feels well very soon Enjoy your vacation […] See MoreComment on "Grades will be submitted by 12/27"

Comment on "OpenLab #8: Advice for the Future"

I would tell the students that tge hardest thing to the proofs. The proofs are hard because you […] See MoreComment on "OpenLab #8: Advice for the Future"

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