Tag: webwork

Week 6 Assignments

HEADS UP: Next week, there are no classes on Monday 10/3 or Tuesday 10/4.  Also, Thursday 10/6 will run according to a Monday schedule.  Because of this, our class will not meet next week!

HEADS UP: The week after next there are no classes on Monday 10/10, Tuesday 10/11, or Wednesday 10/12.  However, Friday 10/14 will run according to a Tuesday schedule.   This means our class will meet on back-to-back days, Thursday 10/13 and Friday 10/14.

Written work – None.
WeBWorK – Assignment #5, due Thursday, October 13th, at midnight.
OpenLab – OpenLab #5, due Friday, October 14th, before class.

Week 5 Assignments

Week 5 Assignments

Exam #1 will take place on Thursday, 9/22

Written work – none
WeBWorK – Assignment #4, due Tuesday, September 27th, at midnight. You are encouraged to start working on Assignment #5, which will be due one week later.
OpenLab – OpenLab #4, due Thursday, September 29th, at the start of class


Week 4 Assignments

Week 4 Assignments

Written work – none
WeBWorK – Assignment #3 and Assignment #4, due Tuesday, September 20th, at midnight.
OpenLab – none

STUDY – for your first exam, taking place next Thursday, 9/22, during the first hour of class.

Week 3 Assignments

Week 3 Assignments

Written work – Sec 1.8*: 3, 5, 6, 8, due Tuesday, September 13th, in class.
* GRADING: odd-numbered problems worth 3 points, even problems 5 points.
WeBWorK – Start WeBWorK 3 (due in two week, on Tues 9/20)
OpenLab – OpenLab #3, due Thursday, Sept 15th (at start of class).

NOTE: Next week Thursday 9/15 runs on a Tuesday schedule (this has no affect on us, but may affect some of your other classes).

Getting Started with WeBWorK

WeBWorK is accessible from on and off campus (anywhere you have access to the internet).  Your first two WeBWorK assignments are due on Tuesday, September 6th, at midnight, and will cover the material from the first two weeks of class (primarily from the second week).  Here’s what you have to do:

Assignment.  To get started , you must complete the following three steps.

Step 1.  Log in to WeBWorK here: http://mathww.citytech.cuny.edu/webwork2/MAT2071-F16-Reitz.  I have created Usernames and Passwords for each student registered for my class.

Username.  Your username for WeBWorK consists of your first initial plus your last name, all lowercase (for example, John Smith would have username ‘jsmith’).

Password.  Your temporary password is the same as your username (if your username is ‘jsmith’, your password is currently ‘jsmith’).

Step 2.  Change your password and update your email address.  To do this, select “Password/Email” from the main menu on the left.  Use whatever email address you like (I suggest using one that you check often).

Step 3.  Complete the first two assignments, titled Assignment1-Sec1.2-1.3 and Assignment2-Sec1.4-1.7. Click on an assignment on the main screen to get started.

If you have any trouble – either with logging in, or with completing the assignment, post a comment here or send me an email and I will get back to you.

WeBWorK Tips:

  1. Click on a problem to see the details (the list of problems appears in the menu on the left).  Enter an answer and hit “Submit Answers”.  Don’t worry, if you get it wrong you can try it again.
  2. You can work on the problems in any order you wish.  You can do some problems now, and come back and do the rest another day (your work will be saved, as long as you submit your answers).
  3. If you want to print out a copy of the assignment, click on the assignment name in the main menu on the left, and then click the link in the main screen area that reads “Download a hardcopy of this homework set.”