This assignment is the final deliverable for your project (worth 10 points).  It is an individual, not a group, assignment and should be submitted by email, not on the OpenLab.
The Semester Project consisted of a number of related activities and assignments – before you begin writing, please take a look at the list and click each of the links to remind yourself  of all the parts of the project.
Assignment (Due Thursday, December 10th, at midnight). Â SUBMIT BY EMAIL, NOT ON THE OPENLAB. Â This is your chance to reflect on the Semester Project, and to describe your contributions to the major group activities. Â Please respond to all of the following.
Part 1 (200 words minimum). Â Write one or two paragraphs reflecting on the Semester Project, from the initial assignment (“OpenLab #5: Bridges and Walking Tours“) through to the final presentations. Â You can use the following questions to guide your writing if you wish (or you can respond in whatever way you wish):
- What was your overall impression of the project?  What did you enjoy the most? Least?
- Do you feel that the project enhanced your experience of the class?  Was the project related to the course material?
- How did you feel during the process? What was the best moment? The worst?
- Was the project scaffolded appropriately? Did you need more or different support for any of the assignments? Do you have any suggestions for making the project more effective?
Part 2.  Describe your  personal contributions to the final two major group assignments, the group paper and the group presentation.  Do you think that you were an equal contributor in your group? Be as specific as you can.