Hi everyone,
Exam 3 grades are posted – send me an email if you’ve forgotten the password to the GRADES page.
Prof. Reitz
Hi everyone,
Exam 3 grades are posted – send me an email if you’ve forgotten the password to the GRADES page.
Prof. Reitz
Hi everyone,
Our final exam will take place on Thursday, December 17th. The Review Sheet (and answer key) are posted under Classroom Resources/Exam Reviews. Please let me know if you find errors or have questions.
Prof. Reitz
Hi everyone,
I enjoyed reading the drafts of your papers very much – thanks! I’ve sent feedback to each group, copying all group members, by email. If you didn’t receive anything, please let me know and I’ll resend it (I used the email addresses that I pulled from cunyfirst at the beginning of the semester, but I’m not sure if they are all accurate).
If you have questions about any of my comments, please let me know. As a reminder, your final draft is due in class on Thursday, December 3 (by email or hard copy).
Prof. Reitz
Written work: None
WeBWorK – Assignment 6, due Tuesday, December 1st
OpenLab – none
Project: Final draft of paper due Thursday, 12/3
Project Presentations:
Tuesday 12/1: Two groups present today
Thursday 12/3: Two groups present today
Hi everyone,
Two comments on the Exam 3 Review sheet:
Both of these corrections were due to a diligent student who will remain nameless (but, in fact, it was Irania – nice work!).
Let me know if you find anything else,
Prof. Reitz
Exam 3 will take place on Tuesday, November 24th. The review sheet and answer key have been posted on the Handouts page.
Prof. Reitz
Written work, due Tuesday, November 24th, in class:
Chapter 10 p167: 25, 28, 30
WeBWorK – Assignment 6, due Tuesday, December 1st
OpenLab – none
Project – first draft of group paper due in class on Thursday, 11/19
The last significant group assignment for your semester project is a group presentation (there will be one more individual assignment, a reflection on the process). I’ll put the details here, followed by an outline of the grading criteria (the presentation is worth 20 points total).
Semester Project – Group Presentation
This is your chance to share your group’s work with the rest of the class. Each group will give a 5-8 minute presentation, including the following items:
Keep in mind the following:
Grading Criteria (20 points total)
_____ points (4 possible). Basics. Stay within time limits (5-8 minutes). All group members participate.
_____ points (6 possible). Conjecture. Conjecture is written down. Explanation and example are provided.
_____ points (7 possible). Proof of conjecture or proof process description.
_____ points (3 possible). Challenge the class. At least one puzzle is given for the class to work on on their own.
____ points TOTAL (20 possible)
Written work – Due Tuesday, November 17, in class:
Chapter 10 p167: 1, 2, 5, 10, 15
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – none
Project – First draft of your group paper is due in class on Thursday, 11/19.