Ximena Morocho Fashion & Infinity

Ximena Morocho Fashion & Infinity

The pictures above are known as an infinity scarf. I thought I could be a bit creative and add a fashion piece that is very known and used all over the world. My idea of infinity is basically something that does not end and will continue. This scarf is called infinity because it has no end like typical scarfs it is sewn together at both ends. Infinity scarfs do not have the same meaning as infinity in math. In math infinity means an ongoing, never ending number and it can be negative or positive but for the scarf it just means a circular scarf with no ends.

I still remember the day I was introduced to the word infinity I was around 6 years old and was arguing with my cousin about who will buy the most ice cream. My cousin told me she had ten dollars and that she could buy a lot of ice creams and then I lied to her by saying my dad gave me one hundred dollars to buy all the ice cream in the store. She laughed at me and said “I have infinity dollars” and i just stood quite because I had no idea what infinity meant. Later on I got home and started to ask my mom, dad and sister what infinity was and then I knew she was also lying because there is no way to have infinity dollars. I believe that infinity can be represented in many ways because we have so many things that are never ending like time, distance,graphs and numbers. This website shows how to wear an infinity scarf and detailed information about how it represents infinity. (http://www.scarves.net/shape/loop-scarves/)In my religion infinity does not have the same meaning as infinity in mathematics. Am catholic and infinity is something thats never ending like the idea of god. Overall infinity has many meaning but all of those meanings come together to the main idea of never ending.



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infinity-(about sky) by Nazir ahmed

infinity is something which never ends. In life, there are many examples of infinity even-though we do not realize them many times. i learned about infinity when i was about 10 years old. my mother told me story about god and the creation of god which has no ending. as i used to run after the sky to catch it when it seemed like the sky is touching the ground. my mother told me that it is an illusion. no matter how much i run, i would never be able to catch the sky. she told me that it seems like its ends some place but its not. it’s goes to infinity, which never ends.

As a result i took a picture of the sky and in this picture it’s shows how the sky ends at the end of the ocean but as we know it’s never ends. later when i took calculus in college i learned deeper meaning of infinity that countless numbers become infinity which is actually not a number but a symbol.

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Infinity- Musaib Ahmed

Infinity is a symbol. It is not a number. What is the definition of a number? A number is something that you can add, subtract, multiple or divide with other numbers.  You cannot add, subtract, multiple or divide with infinity. It is just a symbol. However, it used a lot in mathematics. I can still remember the time when I first got the concept of the infinity.  I was in 7th grade and I tried to plug in 1/0 into the calculator. However, the calculator says error. I tried again and again and its say again and again error. Then, I went to my brother and ask him that why the calculator says error when I plug in 1/0. He replied that it is undefined and then he goes future more that what happened if you put 0/0. He also mentioned to me that there is a symbol for it and its called infinity (∞).

I upload a picture of Atlantic Ocean. There is infinite amount of water in the Atlantic Ocean. If you try to take one glass of water from the ocean, nothing will happen to the amount of the water. The amount of the ocean still remains the infinity.  In mathematics, if you subtract something from infinity it remains the same (∞-1=∞). Again, if you add something with infinity it remains infinity (∞+1=∞).  An ocean is a good example of infinity. Also, infinity is something that we cannot see with our eyes. Also, it is something that we cannot think in our mind. If you want to think about the amount of the water in the Atlantic Ocean, it will not be able to visualize it in your mind or eyes. So, infinity is something that we cannot see in our eyes and cannot think of. However, we can use it in math.

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Jeremy Li – Infinity

Infinity can be defined as never ending. infinity can show a person that there is a reason to stop because you can never get to the end. the equation 1/x is infinity because it gets close and closer to zero but never reaches zero. This picture of the sky shows infinity because it never ends. The skies are the limit.

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Expanding Universe: Mahendra Seepersaud


     To mathematicians and philosophers, infinity can be defined as a state of endlessness having no bounds; however if you were to ever ask a child what this concept means, what would they say? I remember the first time I heard the word infinity. I was 6 years old and was watching the movie Toy Story in which Buzz Lightyear exclaims his iconic catch phrase stated “To infinity and beyond”. At that age I thought of infinity as the part on space where Star Command (Lightyear’s home base) was located. Of course I know now that that is not what the character meant by his quote. With regards to the movie, infinity was used in the context pertaining to an infinite distance. Specifically, infinity and beyond was meant to illustrate Buzz Lightyear rocketing to the greatest heights ever imaginable and his determination to even surpass that distance.

     The concept of infinity is portrayed in many other mediums. Namely, Edwin Hubble’s theory of an expanding universe reflects the idea of infinity. He proposed that the universe in expanding at a constant rate by studying the movement of galaxies through their wavelengths of light. Hubble observed that the “red shift” of galaxies was directly proportional to the distance of the galaxy from Earth. A red shift deals with the light spectra associated with different galaxies. Namely, the galaxies light spectra were shifted toward the red end of the spectrum. In other words when a galaxy is moving away from Earth its wavelength of light is lengthened and depicts a red color. The faster the movement away, the redder the light.  On the other hand, if a galaxy was moving towards earth its wavelength would be shorter and a blue color. After plotting the motion against distancing of a galaxy he found that the velocity is proportion to the distance. Overall the universe was theorized to have begun at a single point and after the big bang it has been expanding ever since.

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To infinity…and beyond? Saqib Shaikh

This gallery contains 1 photo.

1) Infinity: Infinity is have no bounds. To have no limits. Unattainable.  Never ending. These words are most commonly used to describe infinity. And although it portrays itself as a negative unreachable tasks, I feel the idea of infinity can … Continue reading

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Infinity by Daniel Edwards

Infinity is something that never ends, something that lasts forever. I was first introduced to infinity when I was in elementary school and was learning how to count to 100. When I learned how count to 100 I thought to myself what is next? Soon after I learned that counting past 100 was a breeze so long as you could count to 100. Then as I got older I wondered if the numbers would ever end. I got my answer soon after, they didn’t. When I was younger my brother and I use to argue about who loved our mother more. We would say things like “I love mommy times 100” then the other would follow “I love mommy times 1000” and so on. Since my brother is older than I am he learned about infinity first so naturally he eventually said “I love mommy times infinity” I was stumped and lost that battle. My mom would have console me soon after he defeated me in the I love mom contest.

The picture I chose for this assignment was a clock. I chose a clock because time is infinite, in the sense that time never ends.

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Infinity in Engines, Shawn Finn

I was first introduced to infinity when I was younger. I would always ask how many different ways there was to do something. I was told that there is an unlimited amount of different ways to do a certain task.

I never truly understood this until I started building race engines. The above picture is of 2 camshafts I have in the shop. The one on the left is a race engine roller camshaft. The one of the right is a street camshaft. My focus on infinity is finding the acceleration of the lifter as an infinite amount of points along the lobe. This just means the slope of the lobe. As you can see the lobe looks like the shape of an egg with the one on the left being more square then the one on the right. This means the slope of the lobe on the left is more aggresive. In Cal 1 we learned how to calculate the slope at any point of a given curve. My thought on infinity is how many points on that curve or lobe do we need to calculate in order to fully understand the acceleration rate of that lobe.

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What is an infinity? Infinity is something that doesn’t have any limit. Infinity isn’t a real number in mathematics. It doesn’t have any end it goes on and on. It doesn’t matter if its on positive nor negative. I don’t know exactly when I came to know the definition of infinity.  However, when I go to the beach and see the waves of the ocean, I wonder that from where the waves start and where it ends. I realize that it is boundless, and it never ends. After taking calculus, I learned that the proper term to use for the boundless waves is infinity. Actually i was introduced to infinity by myself i guess because when i was child( around 5 years) i use to look at the sky i used to think that it has an ending somewhere. As I have grown up i got to know that it doesn’t have any ending. it made me more curious about the sky. why it doesn’t have any ending? it should.

I think it’s an important idea for my religion. Since I’m hindu i believe in reincarnation which goes on and on. people die and born again as something depends on their karma.

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Infinite Mind and Soul – Mansoor Baig

I love the idea of thinking that one’s imagination is infinite. I was speaking to my sister of what she thought of this and we both agreed that imagination is limitless. Although some would say the potential of limitless and infinite is not the same thing. Just grasping the idea of infinite may be out of one’s imagination, therefore not being infinite. But one can also imagine anything day and night, never stopping, never ending. Our thoughts continue (assuming in a healthy state) until the day we are no more.

Another situation we discussed was the ideologies of reincarnation. We understood for reincarnation, there would be a finite number of souls but “recycled” infinitely. The soul is considered eternal and continuous. This along with imagination, if one was not to imagine something in this current lifetime, maybe they would in the next or any life after.

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