Monthly Archives: February 2015

Blog 4 – Reading

When Ong mentioned writing and its importance, it makes me wonder why is it so important? Ong pointed out that oral cultures had a problem with memorization in that they did not have the mental ability to memorize things.  There … Continue reading

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Answers to Ong Cht4 Marissa & Ariel

Writing restructures consciousness. 1. What is meant by this? Name one way in which this takes place. The way we interpret writing, is very different to speakers. Writing is considered “dead” and you cannot question the reading and if you … Continue reading

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Team Blog: Mariah, Spencer, Pamela

Question 1) Due to writing and communicating with writing we have changed the way we think critically. Only because of writing Plato, for example, was able to convey his critique. Question 2)  Writing without the eventual need for print forced … Continue reading

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Answers to Ong-Chapter 4 (Rownak & Jodianne)

1. Writing restructures consciousness. What is meant by this? Name one way in which this takes place. -What is meant by writing restructuring consciousness in the book is that it transforms speech, as well as thought. In our point of … Continue reading

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Blog Post 4

          How did our brains come to grasp the concept of putting symbols down on a rock, leaf, or paper to provide meaning to another person taking a look at those symbols? If a person who has absolutely no knowledge of the … Continue reading

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Blog 4 – Mumford’s “The Automation of Knowledge”

The basic problem, as stated by Lewis Mumford in his article “The Automation of Knowledge”, is whether we continue to allow automation to take over every aspect of our lives in order to achieve the greater goal; or whether we … Continue reading

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Blog Post 4

To find a section in Walter J. Ong’s “Orality and Literacy” that is terribly important is quite a difficult task, especially when each part is filled with such interesting ideas waiting to be dissected. However, I have settled on one … Continue reading

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Blog Post 4

Lets talk about interactions: rhetoric and the places. (P-106) Rhetoric, rhetoric, RHETORIC! This word! Its prevalence throughout all of reading has been beyond obvious. (Way to drive the concept home Robert.) Seeing concepts of rhetoric resurface once again in Walter … Continue reading

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Blog Post 4

Have you ever read a text and in its entirety one sentence revolutionized your thought for a day? A week? Maybe even for the rest of your life? Well for me this happens often. I read something and I internalize … Continue reading

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Blog Post #3

Walter J. Ong’s Orality and Literacy is a documentation of the development in writing and its consequence on our culture. Ong mentions that writing is a “technological revolution” that not only altered our society, but also totally changed the way … Continue reading

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Blog Post #2

In the essay “The Consequences of Literacy” Jack Goody and Ian Watt, highlight and validate their opinions on how society values literacy. Five themes I though most prevalent in their arguments were that of sociology, cultural relativism, “domestication”, adaptation of … Continue reading

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Orality and Literacy

Ong discusses the power writing gives which exceeds any oral dialect. Every society and culture has a language but many of these languages have disappeared before writing came into existence. Even now there are hundreds of languages that are in … Continue reading

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Blog Post 3: Orality & Literacy

After reading the first two chapters of Walter Ong, Orality and Literacy, I made a few connections to my personal life. Ong thought of writing as “A kind of complement to oral speech, not as a transformer of verbalization”, which I … Continue reading

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Blog Post #3: Ong, Goody, and Watt’s Orality and Literacy

In Walter J. Ong’s Orality and Literacy, he writes about how literacy is derived from orality. After the brain has recognized a full thought, it can be verbally expressed through the art of orality. Only after that expression of orality is … Continue reading

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Blog #3 More Thoughts

See this link It was interesting to see on tv this morning a report about how social media has changed the way we complain about things and the way customer service responds.  This is another example of how social … Continue reading

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Blog Post #1

Part 1 My name is Ariel, obviously. I don’t enjoy writing bio’s. I don’t really know what my future plans or career goals are. Since this blog post is coming in very late I’m sure some of you have a … Continue reading

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Blog #3 Ong’s Orality and Literacy

Walter Ong discusses the differences between orality and literacy and how our ways of making knowledge changes what and how we think.  As new inventions emerge, it leads to a new way of thinking.  Orality limits the amount of information … Continue reading

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Blog post 3: Orality and Literacy

While reading the Phaedrus we were treated to Socrates ranting and making the claim that writing is in many ways a step backwards when it comes to communicating. That speaking and having a dialogue with someone is the most effective … Continue reading

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Blog Post 3

Walter Ong’s “Orality and Literacy” is an insight into the idea of literacy and the concept that orality is in fact the underlying cause and founder of literacy. When we think of literacy our minds quickly come to the conclusion … Continue reading

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Blog Post 3

Throughout the essay “The Consequences of Literacy” by Jack Goody and Walter Ian and the novel “Orality and Literacy” by Walter J. Ong there are several reoccurring themes. The mention of cultural identity, history, language as an “oral phenomenon”, speech … Continue reading

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Comparison of “Phaedrus” and “The Consequences of Literacy”.

It can be said that in Plato’s “Phaedrus” and in Goody and Watt’s “Consequences of Literacy” both analyze the effects of oral traditions and the written word.  Whether the oral word is any less significant than the written word is … Continue reading

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Consequences of Literacy

This article discusses the existence and usage of writing systems and oral traditions throughout history. There have been many advantages and disadvantages of literacy within certain cultures. As societies made great advances in forms of communication, a significant proportion of … Continue reading

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Blog Post 2

In the article, The Consequences of Literacy, Goody and Watt, explore the significant, development and movement of literacy from “man as animal” to “man as talking and writing animal” (p.1). It discusses the benefits of moving from orality to a written culture, … Continue reading

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Blog Post 2: Summary of “The Consequences of Literary”

Jack Goody (a British social anthropologist) and Ian Watt (a literary historian) begin their essay by explaining that mankind’s past and present is largely based upon man’s development of language and writing.  As stated, it was language that actually allowed … Continue reading

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Phaedrus And Jack Goody -Blog Post 2

“The Consequences of Literacy” by Jack Goody and Ian Watt gives the reader an extensive amount of research material and understanding of the subject covered by Goody and Watt. Their article is based on the dichotomy of the literate and … Continue reading

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Blog Post 2

In the essay “The Consequences of Literacy” by Jack Goody and Ian Watt, the authors shed light on the value that society has placed on literacy. It is almost ironic that the authors chose such a title that highlights the … Continue reading

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Blog Post 2

Jack Goody and Ian Watt’s “The Consequence of Literacy” essay entails details about how how different thought processes categorizes people into different types of literate societies. One of the key concepts in their essay that proves this point is literacy … Continue reading

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Blog 1 – Pamela’s Introduction and summary

Part 1 Hello everyone. My name is Pamela and I am from London, England.  After several years of attempting to   get my degree part-time, I finally decided that I need to go to school full-time. As a result, I … Continue reading

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Blogpost 1

Part 1 Hello everyone! My full name is Rownak Choudhury. I look forward to learning together and from all of you in our journey together through this class and major. I moved to New York about ten years ago from … Continue reading

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Blog Post 1

Part 1 Hello everyone! My name is Marissa Ramnath and I am 21 years old. I am from Trinidad and I have been living in Brooklyn since I was 4 years old. I am honestly in this major to take … Continue reading

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Blog Post 1

Part 1 Hey everyone, my name is Spencer Renna Goldfarb. I’ve lived in NY my whole life and for the last two and a half years I’ve been working for an environmental advocacy group called Citizens Campaign for the Environment … Continue reading

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Blog Post 1

Part 1 Hello English 1710 class, how are you? Hope you’ve had a good start to the new semester! My name is Jodieann J. Stephenson or Jodie for short, I am 22 years old and I live in Manhattan. My … Continue reading

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Blog Post 1

Part 1 My name is Mariah Annastacia Rajah. I was born in Guyana. I am 20 years old. Out of those 20 years I have lived about 10 with my biological parents. I have been to 8 different schools in … Continue reading

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