Jasleen Aujla-Media Share 3

After reading the text , I can relate this video with the text .https://youtu.be/wPV_iwsjq80 . It is about Instagram how it ruins people life. Teenagers get addicted to it as Dayna Tortorici was. They thought instagram is cool but they don’t realize the effects that it has.  Sometimes we saw someone’s story or posts on instagram and we thought that this person is very happy in his /her life and he/she is perfect but we don’t. We started to compare us with them that we are not good as they are.. This is also the reason of anxiety when people stress or overthink. By the time, it started to effect on our mental health. People also comment on someone’s body or the way they look. It lower our self esteem. It make us think that we are not perfect. This become reasons of mental issues.  So there are many negative effects that Instagram has in our mental health.

6 thoughts on “Jasleen Aujla-Media Share 3”

  1. I do agree with you that social media is very addictive, but I don’t think social media or instagram can ruin someone life. For some teenagers they use instagram as a source of voice, or escape. I do also agree that a lot of individuals do try to compare themselves to models on instagram, and cause them to downgrade themselves. Social media has many benefits but also has many ways it can harm and individual also.

  2. I agree with most of the points in the video like when he was talking about how he feels like seeing people always posting the highlights of their life and only posting when they look good could be damaging to younger peoples mental health because they feel like how the world, specifically people around their age, views them is the most important thing when in reality it isn’t. When you notice these things affecting you too much that’s when you have to give yourself a break and try to make yourself the happiest you could be without everyones eyes on you all the time.

  3. I agree with most of the points in the video like when he was talking about how he feels like seeing people always posting the highlights of their life and only posting when they look good could be damaging to younger peoples mental health because they feel like how the world, specifically people around their age, views them is the most important thing when in reality it isn’t. When you notice these things affecting you too much that’s when you have to give yourself a break and try to make yourself the happiest you could be without everyones eyes on you all the time.

  4. I agree with most of the points in the video like when he was talking about how he feels like seeing people always posting the highlights of their life and only posting when they look good could be damaging to younger peoples mental health because they feel like how the world, specifically people around their age, views them is the most important thing when in reality it isn’t. When you notice these things affecting you too much that’s when you have to give yourself a break and try to make yourself the happiest you could be without everyones eyes on you all the time.

  5. I agree with most of the points in the video like when he was talking about how he feels like seeing people always posting the highlights of their life and only posting when they look good could be damaging to younger peoples mental health because they feel like how the world, specifically people around their age, views them is the most important thing when in reality it isn’t. When you notice these things affecting you too much that’s when you have to give yourself a break and try to make yourself the happiest you could be without everyones eyes on you all the time.

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