On Tuesday, March 21 we are working on Step 4 of the Living Room project. This involves making full-color drafts of your patterns, which means you need your paints or an alternative COLOR media of your choice (fine art markers, pastels, colored pencils, etc.) Bring in:

  • All acrylic paints (black, white, and red/yellow/blue) and/or alternative color media as stated above
  • Brushes
  • Palette (plastic plate or takeout lid works fine)
  • Sketchbook
  • Pencils
  • Metal Ruler
  • Apron, smock, or clothes/shoes you’re OK with getting paint on
  • Painter’s tape

Suggested but not required:

  • Acrylic Paper
  • Fine-Tip Markers for line work (e.g. Micron, small sharpies)