This coming Tuesday (Feb. 7) is our first painting day, so here’s a list of what you’ll need for class. Thanks to those of you who spoke up and asked for more specific instructions – I hope this is helpful!

What you need:

  • Black and White Acrylic Paints
  • Brush Set – bring ’em all, you’re breaking them in
  • Sketchbook – your usual sketchbook for class
  • Acrylic Paper – I’m going to demo the cutting/prep process for project 1, and you’ll have time in class to get started on the final versions
  • X-Acto Knife
  • Metal Ruler
  • Artist Tape
  • Apron, Smock, or clothes/shoes you’re OK with getting paint on – those of you with long hair might want to tie it back; acrylic paint is annoying to get out of your hair (and vice versa)

If you haven’t been able to get all your supplies, I’m bringing extras tomorrow – but you really need to fill out the supply list by Friday! Email me if you’re having trouble sourcing anything specific.