Sketchbook/Imaginary Ideas

Hi Professor,

I had a problem uploading my 4 sketches on open lab; it says that the image is too big so I uploaded them on my eportfolio instead. I still have yet to do my 3 concept sketches but will do start them in class tomorrow.


Week 7


Today’s Plan:



  • CRITIQUE PROJECT 2 Work in Progress:

Half the Students should hang their 3 concept sketches on the black board for critique.  The second half of the class will hang after to allow for space.

On a post it note write:

  1. Student Name
  2. Client / Event Name

Each student should read each about each project and then examine all of the designs.  Using chalk each student may make 3 marks for each project.  They can have no opinion: 1 make under each sketch.  They can put 2 marks on their favorite and 1 on their next favorite, or they can really love a sketch and put all 3 marks under each.

Discuss the projects and why students felt the way they did. Designers should go with the one they / the instructor likes the best but class feedback should be considered too.

Students should share the drawing challenges they had, (for example having to draw hands ) and the turtorial / advice they researched to help them.

    • Lara’s illustration process and inking tips and tricks. (Students will not ink project 2 until AFTER final drawing is approved but should be practicing)


    • Using traditional drawing materials and / or photoshop improve and refine chosen concept sketch.
    • Try using photoshop to create a photo reference collage.