Faculty: This example post demonstrates how you can provide instructions for each assignment. It uses the category “Assignment Instructions” and can be found under Activities > Assignments in the site menu. Use the suggested outline below to structure your assignment posts.


From Classical to Contemporary

Great historical artists have created some of the most timeless, powerful, and dramatic figure drawings ever created. The term “classical” itself means “timeless.” What is timeless never goes out of fashion; it remains unchanged by time.

Your assignment is to redraw the art historical figure posted in Resources for Assignment 10. Copy the pose, style, and technique as closely as possible. Next, create a contemporary counterpart. Let the historical artwork inspire and influence a new drawing. Apply the same style and technique to a similar pose found in your favorite online drawing site.

Learning Outcomes

  • To see how great historical drawing resonates powerfully through generations
  • To apply timeless techniques to a contemporary drawing
  • To recognize what the “Masters” have to offer us today


What you will need:

  • White paper
  • H pencil
  • Conté pencils or crayons


  • Lay out your art historical figure with light H pencil guidelines and tic marks.
  • Maintaining the same anatomical landmarks, copy the figure as closely as possible.
  • Try to match the same style and technique in the original artwork.
  • Find a matching pose in a figure drawing photo online.
  • Apply the same technique and style to your second drawing.


Create a new post with an image gallery containing the drawings you created for this assignment.

  • To create your post, visit OpenLab Help> Writing a Post
  • To add an image gallery, visit OpenLab Help > Adding an image gallery
    • Add well-lighted, thoughtfully composed images of your drawings to an image gallery.
  • Add a written reflection.
    • Document your thoughts about this project. Think about what you learned, what you could have done better, and how you will apply what you learned to your next drawing.

Due Date(s)

• 4 pm the day before next class


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