Faculty: This example post demonstrates how you can provide instructions for each assignment. It uses the category “Assignment Instructions” and can be found under Activities > Assignments in the site menu. Use the suggested outline below to structure your assignment posts.


Two Nudes in Environments in Perspective

Select 2 different figures in high-contrast light and shadow from an online figure drawing site, such as LineofAction.Com. Choose each pose with objects-—model platform, chair, stool, backdrop, prop, etc.—that create an environment for your figure. Look for 1- or 2-point perspective at work. Include respective orthogonal guidelines as you see them, not as you imagine them. Create one drawing in Conté pencil and crayon and the second in soft black synthetic charcoal on white paper. Experiment, smear, chamois, blend, scratch, use both tip and sides of sticks, lift-off, and erase into the mediums. Work within the guidelines of correct figure proportions and perspective, but let yourself go by drawing in a creative, free, loose, and expressive manner.

Learning Outcomes

  • To draw the figure in context in an environment in perspective
  • To draw in an expressive manner within the guidelines of correct proportions.


What you will need

  • Drawing clipboard
  • Padding
  • 2 sheets gray paper
  • Half-stick black Conté crayon
  • Black Conté pencil
  • Chamois
  • White erasers
  • Ruler
  • Glassine folder


  • Research your favorite online drawing site to find 2 figures within environments in clear perspective
  • Choose nudes with high-contrast lights and shadows.
  • Lay out correct body measurements
  • Draw light perspective guidelines to vanishing points
  • Make a light initial figure and double-check proportions as you go.
  • Experiment with technique: build up dark shadows, use loose gestural lines, smear, smudge, chamois, crosshatch with eraser, lift-off, etc.
  • Be expressive, creative, and loose.


Create a new post with an image gallery containing the drawings you created for this assignment.

  • To create your post, visit OpenLab Help> Writing a Post
  • To add an image gallery, visit OpenLab Help > Adding an image gallery
    • Add well-lighted, thoughtfully composed images of your drawings to an image gallery.
  • Add a written reflection.
    • Document your thoughts about this project. Think about what you learned, what you could have done better, and how you will apply what you learned to your next drawing.

Due Date(s)

  • 4 pm the day before next class


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