Marshmallow & Candied Fruits, Citrus Rinds, and Ginger

Hey ladies and ladies,


Sorry about the late post but here is what you all have been waiting for.

Last week, we made marshmallows and candied fruits & citrus rinds. Unfortunately, we are unable to taste the candied fruits & citrus rinds we made, but hopefully, we will get to taste those when we come back a week after our field trip.

Never the less, we still get to taste and present various flavor of marshmallows. We made vanilla, mint, cassis, orange blossom, and rose blossom. In addition to that selection – since we have extra time – we also made egg-less chocolate marshmallow and strawberry-lychee marshmallow. All marshmallow comes out good in texture especially the egg-less and the strawberry-lychee, although they might be a little sticky than the other because we do not have enough time to let them set longer. The flavor came out to be quite daring as well.


Here is our production of the day::::

cooking sugar right off the bat for the marshmallows



mixing the egg whites after the sugar syrup hits 240F


combining cooked syrup to the whites


adding the flavor!!


just keep mixing….mixing……mixing……

when it is cooled and still at workable texture




spread until the surface is smooth like the picture below

Here – temporary – ends the production of marshmallow


Here starts the production of candying

Cutting and trimming the EYES O-O


Peeling skins of ginger


she just can’t that the sourness…i guess…


finish product after peeling all those grapefruits


Cooking the rinds again and again and again and again and again … that’s again x5


Cooking in process (left to right) Candied Pineapple – Candied Citrus (grapefruits, i think) rinds, Candied Ginger


That’s candied pineapple            and        That’s candied grapefruit rinds   and      that’s candied orange rinds


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Demo Time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chef demo cutting first strip – approximate size

here it is *the first strip*

after cutting in square ~ tossed in cornstarch x confection sugar ~ so they don’t stick together


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Demo Ended ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Here are the *MASS PRODUCTION* of the products


Orange blossom


Strawberry – Lychee




Hence the presentation of the day’s production:



Overview from the front                       AND                     Overview from the top


plates for the Staff and Faculties



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