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Homework due 9/28


WRITE: Continue revising your Unit 1 essay based on feedback you got from your peer review and 1:1 meeting (reminder: it’s due Sept. 28). You don’t need to email it to me unless you’d like me to review your in-progress work. Feel free to schedule more time with me if you’d like to chat!

REREAD and ANNOTATE: Using your plan for re-reading as a guide, re-read (and annotate in a different color than the first time) “Later.” Find it on Perusall or download the PDF here.

WRITE: When you’re done, write an Open Lab post of approximately 300 words about what you learned from rereading. Again, be specific, quoting from the text!

Remember that the 3-part difficulty paper (1. 300 words on what you found difficult or confusing, 2. Plan for rereading and 3. 300-word reflection after rereading) is worth 5% of your grade.

Homework due 9/21

WRITE: Continue revising your Unit 1 essay based on feedback you got from your peer review and 1:1 meeting (reminder: it’s due Sept. 28). You don’t need to email it to me unless you’d like me to review your in-progress work. Feel free to schedule more time with me if you’d like to chat!

READ and ANNOTATE: “Later” on Perusall. You can also download the PDF here.

CLICK AROUND: https://www.yourprocrastinationstation.com/ 

WRITE: After reading and annotating “Later,” write an Open Lab post of approximately 300 words in which you reflect upon the article. What, particularly, did you find confusing, irritating, boring or otherwise difficult?

  • Please note: I want you to BE SPECIFIC. Quote from the text directly. That is, if you were particularly dumbfounded by a particular passage—quote that passage, and explain WHY you found it confusing. If the vocabulary was difficult, quote a particularly difficult passage, and try to figure out what the author might have been trying to say. Explain WHY you found their particular word choices difficult. Dig deeply!
  • My point in asking you to do this is that usually the places you struggle the most are the places you are doing your best thinking. I want you to stay there a while, even if it’s to explain to me why you don’t understand!

Homework due 9/14

WRITE: Finish up your Less Shitty first draft (at least 650 words, ideally 800). OpenLab, Word document, or email is fine. Must be submitted by 2:05 PM.

  • Pay attention to your paragraphs!
  • Recall our class discussion about intros and conclusions.
  • Remember that you can use anything we have already written in this unit if you want. All low-stakes assignments are to help you write the major papers!

READ / WATCH:  Review the slideshow we went over in class about emailing a professor

WRITE: Write me an email for us to discuss during our 1:1 meeting. See some options below about email topics.

  1. Ask me a question about Unit 1. This can be a question about the assignment or your essay in particular.
  2. Explain how your essay is going and any parts you’re struggling with.
  3. Anything else you’d like to talk about, feel free to write about.

** I will use our 1-on-1 time on Thursday to cover what you wrote in your email, so write accordingly!     

Don’t use ChatGPT. Do your best to follow all the guidelines given in the presentation! If you don’t get it right, that’s okay, but give it a shot.

BE ON TIME for our chats!

*** If your name is not on the schedule below, make sure you have signed up for a meeting.


4:05 PM – Emilio

4:15 PM – Akeem

4:25 PM – Steven

4:35 PM – Duval

4:45 PM – Brian Brown

4:55 PM – Thiek

5:05 PM – Mia

5:15 PM – Leslie

5:25 PM – Daniel

5:35 PM – Ty

5:45 PM – Jade

5:55 PM – Jayden

6:05 PM – Luis

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