A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Category: Unit 1.5: Difficulty Paper – “Later” (Page 1 of 20)

Homework due 9/28


WRITE: Continue revising your Unit 1 essay based on feedback you got from your peer review and 1:1 meeting (reminder: it’s due Sept. 28). You don’t need to email it to me unless you’d like me to review your in-progress work. Feel free to schedule more time with me if you’d like to chat!

REREAD and ANNOTATE: Using your plan for re-reading as a guide, re-read (and annotate in a different color than the first time) “Later.” Find it on Perusall or download the PDF here.

WRITE: When you’re done, write an Open Lab post of approximately 300 words about what you learned from rereading. Again, be specific, quoting from the text!

Remember that the 3-part difficulty paper (1. 300 words on what you found difficult or confusing, 2. Plan for rereading and 3. 300-word reflection after rereading) is worth 5% of your grade.


One way I would revise my unit two essays is to I  would  like to spend a little more doing more research paper on the topic I picked, I say that because I feel like my research paper could have been stronger if I had spent more time finding evidence and looking at the topic it could have been a lot stronger and that one thing I would change on my units 2 paper


one thing I would change about my Unit 1 essay is spending more time explaining why my teacher helped me like school more because of the kind of teacher he was even though a lot of students didn’t like him, he was a teacher who always wanted to help his student no matter if he seems like the bad guy, I also wanted to talk about the problem had with him because me and him never seem to see eye to eye because he gives to much work sometimes and how many essays he give us and that how I would change my unit 1 essay.

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