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Category: Unit 3 Homework (Page 1 of 28)

Homework 12/5

If I had the time to Revise Unit 1, I would work on my time management because I would wait till the last minute to do the job and then stay up all night and then be tired in my other classes. I used to have Physics before the Writing course, and my brain would be all over the place from struggling to keep up with the work. Once I dropped Physics, this class became much easier because I didn’t have to stress as much. But I would have worried less if I had done the work on time. I still need to work on my Procrastination skills.

Homework 12/14

I learned that I am a reader; it depends on what I’m reading and how long it is. Also Depends on the setting. I knew that with good Planning, I could be a good writer. If you follow the guidelines, it makes it easy. “I think a better environment will be good because I was reading it on the train and good lighting.” “If the reading wasn’t so long, I might have read it once in a while, but I got the point of the assignment.” “I would do my work slowly, but I would get serious once I realized it was about eight o’clock.” I would compare and contrast my work from Earlier this year because Earlier this year, it was more brutal because of the Amount of Stress I was going through. My Physics class was right before my Writing class, so once I was done, I had written, but I was mentally drained because, in my Math class, I wasn’t even up to where they were in Physics, so I was confused, and the teacher moved so fast. Then, I had construction drawings right after, and I didn’t have the supplies at home, so I spent most of my nights there working by hand almost every day of the week. It improved because I dropped the physics class, and we started working by computer with the Drawings. I got to go home earlier and work on my other homework.
My favorite Assignment would probably be Unit RAB because I got to work on something I’m really into. I don’t have the least Favorite, or I can’t remember a bad one. Not procrastinating stuck with me because when I didn’t procrastinate, it was better, and I had more time to prepare my writing instead of rushing and struggling. Another one is asking for help. Professor Wang made it very easy to ask for help at any time you need it, and she would always answer her Email in a short time. I think I became better at Reading and Writing because we did a lesson on how to read as a Writer, and that helped because it taught us how not to take advantage of the reading. After all, if it was good, then that meant that the writer went over it as a reader to make sure it was clear for you to understand. When Writing, it wasn’t really up to me; it was mainly about the requirements of what I asked to do. I like how Professor Wang put it in bullet points to make it easy to do one by 1. What I would do is look at the Word count and look at how many different things I need to talk about and divide it. That way, I know how much I must write to stay on point. I’m a Math type of Person, so when I found out I had Writing, I was somewhat mad. My high school Ela teacher made it seem like I was joining the Army and reporting to the front lines. We used to turn in work, and he said this isn’t college Acceptable when, in Reality, the Teachers are so lovely. Once I got the hang of it became easier. My class used to go through it because he used to have us write 1000 words and tell us the first thing we did wrong and ask us to go back and fix it while not even reading the paper at all. After revision, I wish my eyes were more open to learning. I learned a lot, but it could have been better if I had put in more work. The peer feedback that stood out was the positive one because sometimes my and my classmates were going through the same thing, so it helped. A Challenging thing was meeting and doing work on time. Everything was easier. I waited till the last minute to do it. This was due today, and I’m now doing it.

Late hw 12/7

In unit one I made simple mistakes but they affected my writing in very different ways my grammar could of been better my use of the words and periods could of been used a lot more and the structure of my writing could have been a lot  better as I revise my unit 1 assignment I compare it to my assignments and projects I’ve done recently I can see the change and the progression between the two the best way for me to fix this would be to form a new way of understanding writing structures to help me best fit my style of writing and a way of revising my work in a story for the reader to better understand

based on my past writing in the class I see a growth of vocabulary and research as well. I was more opinionated and spoke more, but I will say that the effort has increased and helped tremendously. in my writing I seen that I would just write blindly and things with no meaning really, but it changed as I continued because every sentence was said in my head it’s like I was a printer printing my mind on certain topics. the biggest change by far has been the effort put into it. instead of trying to meet the word count I just tried my best and whatever the outcome was is what I got. I am not a good writer whatsoever and I need to improve greatly but it’s just something I overlooked. I realized that writing has always been put in my head as something I don’t need. and when I tried my best and got a 60% it really shows. I would often try my hardest to get carried with my source but sadly this wasn’t the case. in my writing I would be very repetitive as I am in this writing. I’m going to use what I learned in this semester about writing to take it more seriously. it’s a factor just as important as speaking. and I definitely need to improve on my writing skills and basic reading as well. an example of my repetitiveness in my writing is when I said. “This quote supports my op ed idea on the effects of money onto people. this ideal of the greed and the desire of money goes all the way back to times of Christ as this quote is actually a quote of the bible. the greed can affect you negatively without anyone knowing. slowly and slowly, you become less patient and humble.” as you can see, I would repeat my words a lot and it’s just something that’s imbedded in my writing, I guess. the receptiveness is seen often. another thing about my writing is that I would go off topic a lot and it wouldn’t really be interesting I tend to write as if I’m my own audience it’s a bad habit that I have. for example, “We have scamming robberies and all the normal stuff but what if you already have money? That greed doesn’t go away at all. In fact, rich people can go as far as to put people “below” them in difficult situations. To profit off homeless people on the streets and much more. The greed for money and the lust blindsides right from wrong sometimes.” as seen here I was repetitive and put my opinions first and i would just try to meet the word count. but i have now become better. I learned to be simpler and straight forward instead of trying to complicate myself. In my new writing i don’t repeat myself too much. I feel like this semester and class thought me to take reading to the next level and writing more seriously. i realize that i don’t have even basic writing skills and have a lot of room to fill to become a decent writer. i will visit the writing center more often from now on. in this semester i also learned the analyzing and how fun writing can be sometimes. it’s like getting everything out. although i prefer to speak it writing your thoughts can help. the class was very fun and made me write more than i did ever in my life, in high school I never wrote essays or anything like that neither did i take it seriously. but it’s very time consuming. “During the projects I had to split weeks per research, and I took my time with it because I wanted the best examples that directly support me and my idea. And I would break up my days as my other classes require me to do work every day it’s like squeezing it to the point where I don’t be motivated for it. The topic being interesting is what kept me going because I had a mutual interest in it. I would have days of research and drafting then I would write it out and finish it little by little. I hate being rushed but the pressure made me finish it quicker than I thought I would.” this is an example of how i would write my thoughts on the writing and it would really help me. this class was perfect for learning the importance of writing.

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