Chapter 2:
1. The techniques and solutions used to aid in the well-being of clients who were in distressĀ are asylums, hospitals and a church. All were used to house and help the people with mental disabilities.
2. The evolution of human well-being services, from the Middle Ages to present day by individuals, professionals and society went from people not being sure as to what exactly ones mental illness was. Until the Middle Ages people believed that mental illness was caused by evil spirits. Then after a while they started to be treated better when they started to better understand it.
3. Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans by Healthy Care reform and signing into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This act puts individuals, families and small business owners in control of their health care.
4. Social philosophies are promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society because individualism is viewed America as the land of opportunity. Laissesz-fair was an economic concept that focused on societal or governmental responsibility. Social Darwinisim, in combination with laissez-faire and the wortk ethic, created a climate for the reform that was to follow.
5.The mental health movement promoted to aid in the well-beingĀ of clients/society because it aimed to improve mental hospitals, arouse public concern and prevent disease. Providing education on causes, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment, this organization furthered the development of the mental health movement.
6. The human service movement promoted the well-being of happiness by establish greater rapport and credibility with their clients.
7. Entitlement benefits promote the well-being of individuals by, for example, Medicaid gives grants to the states to assist them in helping medically indigent citizens receive medical and hospital care.
Chapter 3
1. Trends of technology in the field of human services are attempting to aid a client’s well-being because it is used in the areas of communication, information management, service delivery, and professional development. Also to provide better quality services in a more cost-effective manner.
2. Technology can promote well-being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients by making it easier for human service professionalsĀ to take advantage of the latest information about population being served as well as the knowledge and skills of emerging best practive.
3. Managed care is a term used to describe a set of tools or methods designed to manage resources, especially in the areas of health care and mental health and it helps both client and human service worker as they work together to plan and provide services.
4. Some of the limitations of managed care and how it can impact a well-being is that it influences the delivery of services to clients within the social service network.
5. Service delivery means to be able to bring what the client needs and providing services to the client whenever it is needed and it can be faster and more effieceint.
6. Human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of US citizens because of the global population began to increase rapidly in the 20th century.
7. what is happening internationally promotes the international human services continue to be great.
8. The concept of teaching a man to fish promotes well-being
9. cultural competency can promote well-being by having more awareness, understanding and skill about human beings and their diversity.