A leaf for your thoughts

Breathe In, breathe out, college-life has been stressful lately. With so much going on in daily life, I found myself quickly overwhelmed. I thought to myself “ why isn’t everything going as planned? Why am I losing so much time?” Then it hit me, I was overwhelming myself with just thoughts rather than taking action. We’ve all faced a time in our lives where we hit rock bottom, or we’ve had issues maintaining balance within our stressful lives: here’s where you say STOP! and find peace where you can calm down and collect your thoughts. My recommendation? Queens Botanical Garden!

Queens Botanical Garden
Photographer: Gennessy Palma

With so much going on in my life, I decided I needed a change of scenery. This was the place to go, with so many species of flowers and life. I realized I needed space to calm down and relieve myself, in order to feel reassurance of myself and what I’m doing, and there’s nothing wrong with that, to feel uneasy or unassured of what your next step is and to fear what’s to come. In the end we are human; we feel, we stress. For me I get anxious but nature alleviates that, it’s even proven by researchers that nature has mental health benefits.

Queens Botanical Garden
Photographer: Gennessy Palma

Tori Rodriguez, MA, LCP stated that “ As humans become less connected with nature, we lose an essential health buffer. “ In her article she also quoted Mardie Townsend PhD, a professor of health and social development at Deakin University. PhD Townsend says “ It is associated with reduced levels of stress — which also has huge ramifications for physical health, reduced levels of depression and anxiety, increased resilience, increased engagement with learning for children and adolescents otherwise disengaged from the education system, improved self-esteem and increased capacity to engage socially.” In other terms, we need nature to thrive and succeed in life, the city life isn’t always the highlight, ever had these same pressing emotions??? That goes to you as well freshman, I understand life can be complex, balancing college and things at home, it’s all new to you, and is a heavy responsibility. Keep in mind, that in the end it gets easier, but you have to allow yourself some time to de-stress and find a way to balance yourself, as I balance myself with nature. I’m sure you can too, what’s there to lose? One can only gain from this experience, so the next time you feel the need to just let loose, try what I do! Give nature a chance!

Model: Lokendra Singh
Photographer: Gennessy Palma