All posts by Sherrbear
Color Interaction value #1
Summary : “A Picture Of Language: The Fading Art Of Diagramming Sentences”
This reading by Juana Summers wanted to share the creation of “Pop Chart Lab”, which was a design firm that was taken the first line of famous novels and diagrammed those sentences, that would help with making the perfect sentence by using a diagram. She states the practice has been a controversial history, but no one doesn’t know what it is. Using the diagram makes it easier for kids to understand to write and use correct English. From “An Education ‘Phenomenon’, Burns Florey and other experts traced the origin of diagramming sentences back to 1877 and two professors at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. Burns states that it might be still good to use as a tool for some students. There’s questions of if it should be placed in English classes today, but Burns says that there are two kinds of people in this world, the ones who love diagramming and those who hat it. So, it was frustrate the students completely overall if it was used now.
ADV1100 Project#4: Band Poster
ENG Project#4 Part2: The Pitch
To start off saying, this route would be mostly focused on beauty. For the people who wants to explore and find the unexpecting secrets in Brooklyn. This route displays a walkable journey in Brookyln that differs from your everyday walks for you to explore something new & love what you see. So, what I’m about to share with you now should be suggested to everyone that have the craving to find beauty in whatever weather from wherever you start.
Imagine being on the Brooklyn Bridge and wondered what does it look like from a distance that you can see all of it. The beauty of that massive structure[Brooklyn Bridge] will blow you away from just staring at it during the night or in the morning, when the sun sets or rises. But I would recommend viewing it when it starts getting dark. You would say that you wouldn’t be able to see it in the dark. Well, of course you can. The light that flicker on top of it’s head and as the cars lights flashing on it’s body. You’ll be able to see it. Even with the lights from the buildings on both sides of the bridge will capture your eyes. As you stare in that perspective, you will think its flat and smaller from the distance your at. And you may ask where is the perfect spot to see the bridge at such a full view. That would be on the Manhattan Bridge. Its the best spot to see everything at the perfect height and distance. It’s not far from the Brooklyn Bridge at all. So, the route I chose to get to Manhattan Bridge won’t be a hassle, but seeing something new that i’ve enjoyed, you will enjoy as well.
I chose to go on a rainy day. Thats not the right weather to do such a walk for 15-20 minutes including stopping to see many things, but I’m that type of person that would go anywhere without caring if the weather is gloomy or not. Others should be that way as well to get to their destination. Anyway, it was starting to become dark which wasn’t that bad. Mostly your going to surrounded by Asian Culture, so, your going to be in ChinaTown. You want to see the amazing historical looking asian designs that they display outside of their buildings. Also, get to smell and see a lot of different variety of food you want to try or familiar to you. There’s so many markets that sell interesting fruits, bakeries with tasting looking treats and bread, cold or warm beverages from that I know that people would say, “I’m too exhausted to do all of that walking”, “I don’t have the time”, or “I’m too hungry and lazy”, and etc of so many excuses. I understand completely to those feelings because I can be like that as well. We’re all human, but it wouldn’t kill us to just take some time to walk somewhere and be sucked into it.
When you finally follow that narrow but bright path on the Manhattan Bridge, you will see graffiti on the ground and on other buildings. Different colors of graffiti everywhere as you walk and the view of the Freedom Tower in the distance. The lights of the cities that never sleep and the ant-sized looking, busy people that you can see strolling along. All you’ll hear is the roaring trains rushing pass. Might hear the honking of the cars but not as much. Then you’ll see the Brookyln bridge in your sites. Stop and stare at it. During the night time, you can’t really see the details of the bridge but the ontline of it with the gray sky as its background which makes it stand out more. As your staring, your going to think that it looks like it’s a painting, not real, with the water underneath it that looks so still and flat. Then having the dark sky and smoky clouds behind it makes the bridge stand out more. The one word you would gasp to some up what you see is, “wow”. Thats just a guess of what you might say, but I know you’ll be amazed. Having to see something that looks unreal makes the trip worth it. I think that walking later in the day and the change of weather made the sight better than going during the day. The Brooklyn bridge amazes the people that live within the city and outside of the city. People come all over to see the bridge and want to see the uniqueness and importance it portrays. Even according to the News report on NY1 at 7/07/2013, a large group of swimmers swam under the Brooklyn Bridge and had some positive comments about the experience. One swimmers says,”You look up and you see that you’re swimming user this beautiful bridge and it feels great. It’s a view that most New Yorkers don’t get a chance to see.” This quote proves that we have to try to look at this bridge in any angle as if we had to.
Therefore just think about beauty for a second and wonder if you can find it anywhere but at a different time or weather. I would force you to take this route but to become interested into it or think about it. Won’t it be interesting? Won’t it be fun? I think it was and I know you’ll think so too.
Finished Muted Color Studies #1 & #2
Project#4 part 1 : The Route
On this rainy Monday around 5pm, I decided to start my walk with someone very close to me. I thought the weather was pretty windless and calm. It didn’t bother me at all. Over all the walk from the train station to the destination, was 15 to 20 mins because we stopped to for a while to see the new sites around us.
I chose my route to beinning from to City Tech to my destination, which was to Manhattan bridge. Mostly I take the F train to and from City Tech. I live in Jamaica, Queens , so, it takes an hour or 45 mins to get to school. Back to why I chose that route because I wanted to see the Brookyln Brigde at a full view. That’s all I wanted to do on the route. I was very determined to see that massive structure from a far distance and see all of it. By the way, I’ve never walked in that area around Manhattan Bridge, but the sites looks very familiar to Flushing where my high school is.
Pictures on my route:

As you walk to the train from City Tech, you have to take the F train going uptown Manhattan side. You get off at East Broadway which three stops away from Jay St. Metro tech. (Note: be prepared for walking up a lot of stairs). When you get outside, you immediately can see greenery across the street from you like it seems like a small park. You will have to make right turn around the corner. You will see shops like a bakery on the corner, a Bubble tea store, small convenient stores on both sides on E Broadway. You’ll first notice the Asian culture in the area and think your in Chinatown. Well, you are sort of. Anyway, you’ll walk straight down E Broadway and see small markets near the wall on the end of the bridge. You’ll have to walk all the way to the end of the bridge until you see a path to get on the brigde, but don’t walk on the path that is only for bikes. There would be a busy highway into and off the bridg, so, be careful. To get on the bridge, you have to walk past the park, Popeyes and an amazing entrance to the bridge that the cars drive through. Also, spot a christmasy sign that says Welcome to ChinaTown. to Then walk across to a small area in the middle of the stair. You’ll see a sign for people to walk on the bridge. That’s how you get there but you would have to walk all the way down to the middle of it to see Brookyln bridge. The walk to that spot is only have minutes even if the path looks like it will last forever. There’s no benchs to rest on, but a gate to protect you from falling, get a cool experience to be close to the moving trains, see the plenty of graffiti art on your path.
Completed Chromatic Gray Studies #1 & #2
Completed Color Wheel

My first thought on this was honestly, “I have to use paint again”. I was sort of complaining to myself about using paint again, but I had to give in and accept the fact that I have to do this. I did enjoy mixing/experimenting the colors and feeling like I got he hang of it. My hands aren’t the most steadiest hands, which I find very annoying, but I try to not rush into it and try to stay a little neat. But you can find some parts on it that’s a bit messed up. Anyway, I’m just glad that I’ve finished the best I can. (I forgot to add the colors around the fish by the way.)
Field Trip : “Wonder” Exhibit at BHS

As we first walked through the hall of so many other beautiful photos displayed, I couldn’t stop staring at this one photo. So, obliviously it’s my favorite out of all of them. It reminded me of the Project#3 with the different values, Narrow, broad, high and low. This picture mostly shows to be a low/narrow value (even though you can see a bit of green from the grass but whatever). It doesn’t seem to have the exact focal point because of the scattered coins, words/numbers and grass but I didn’t think the photographer wanted to show the exact focal point. I can’t assume in what he wanted to show. Also, I loved how the photo is zoomed in closely to show the dramatic impact on the tombstone.