Author Archives: profvillatoro

Aligning Learning Outcomes to Blooms Taxonomy

Original Learning Outcomes:
1. apply concepts relating to soil classification, soil properties and stress concepts to foundation analysis and design (Level 3 Verb is the active verb, mention of Level 4 and 5 verbs but more passive)
2. effectively communicate ideas and concepts to peers and professionals through written work and class projects (No Blooms verbs)
3. design and recommend appropriate foundation type using available information and judgment (Level 6 verb)
4. utilize industry software to design and analyze foundations (deep and shallow). (No Blooms verbs)
Revised Learning Outcomes:
1. Extrapolate information required for the design and analysis of foundations. (Level 4 verb)
2. Apply concepts relating to soil classification, soil properties and stress concepts to the design and analysis of foundations. (Level 6 verb)
3. Design and evaluate shallow and deep foundations. (Level 5 and 6 verb)
3. Formulate ideas and demonstrate enhanced oral and written communication skills. (Level 6 verb)
Reflection: As a Technical Elective for students focusing on a concentration, Level 4-6 learning levels is what I expect of them, this makes is more clear. As long as I share with them the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy, of course.

Bloom’s Taxonomy

How can we have a more in-depth approach to Bloom’s Taxonomy in our courses? Select one syllabus you have prepared for the current semester, refer to your syllabus and map all your learning objectives to Bloom’s Taxonomy.

  1. After mapping your objectives to Blooms taxonomy, did anything surprise you?
  2. Did you revise your learning outcomes?
  3.  Share the results of your activity on the OpenLab.

For example, I have included a sample from on of my courses, CMCE 1115

CMCE 1115

an ability to apply a knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to engineering technology problems that require limited application of principles but extensive practical knowledge

Corresponding Level in Bloom’s Taxonomy: Applying.

Prior Knowledge

Recognizing that we need do assess students’ prior knowledge and link knowledge for them explicitly, please complete the following activity and reflection question.
  1. List 3 concepts that you expect students to have as prior knowledge when entering your course.
  2. List 3 concepts that you expect students to gain as new knowledge in your course.


How could this exercise help the transfer of knowledge from one course to another within your curriculum?

Chapter 3

A few commonalities that came across in the posts from teaching and learning strategies include the ideas of student driven learning and accountability, assessment, application to practical examples, encouraging students to ask questions, and providing resources and examples that allow students to visualize the example.  As you are reading chapter 3, think about when you expect our students to become independent learners?  After you have done the reading, come back and post your answers to the following:

1.     Are your students at the associates or baccalaureate level?

2.     Do you use different teaching strategies for associate level students than for baccalaureate level students? Why or why not?

3.     What is metacognition and what concept from the chapter resonates with you and why? (identify the page number)

4.     What are other factors that might influence student learning?

5.     How can metacognition help us towards our goal of increasing retention 5-10% starting in the fall?

Sharing your thoughts about teaching and learning…

This page is where we can share our personal teaching experiences and thoughts or revelations we may come across in our growth as professors.  Many times I have felt frustrated because I cannot make every student understand and pass my class. I’ve worked on my classroom techniques and delivery yet every time I sit down to grade exams with optimism, I find have the typical 65 average and feel the frustration.   I am hopeful that perhaps metacognition is the key.  That I have been focused primarily on the teaching, not realizing that teaching is in fact only ½ of the equation.  I am enthusiastic about the potential impact that metacognition my have on my classes and hope to hear from you as we embark on this journey together.