
Aligning your Course Learning Outcomes to Bloom’s Taxonomy

 Facilitators: Melanie Villatoro


  1. Faculty will evaluate their existing course learning outcomes and apply verbs from Bloom’s Taxonomy to explicitly state the levels of learning required.
  2. Faculty will identify the anticipated prior knowledge students bring from prerequisites courses.
  3. Faculty will engage in an online platform, by joining the OpenLab page for faculty promoting student learning and STEM success.


  1. Ambrose, Susan A., et al. How Learning Works : Seven Research Based Principles for Smart Teaching. San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, 2010, chapter 1.
  2. McGuire, Saundra Y. Teach Students How to Learn. Stylus Publishing, 2017, chapter 4.


  1. Be sure you have access to your City Tech email account.
  2. Create an openlab account.

For help, visit

  1. Join the openlab page.


Participation in Online Workshops: April 2, April 23, May 7.