HW for Wed: Read Arsanios, “April-May-June” and “Narration.”
By 1pm Monday, respond to the prompt below. By 8pm Monday, reply to a classmate’s response with a specific comment or suggestion for revision (25-50 words).
PROMPT (3 parts):
How does Salz define the genre of the selfie? How does he make clear what is special or unique about the selfie?
1. Make two lists. In one, tally up at least five ways Salz describes what a selfie IS. In the other list, tally at least five things Salz says the selfie IS NOT (or is different from). Refer to page #s from the text to locate each description.
2. Using your lists, write a paragraph of prose (full sentences) that expresses Salz’ multiple ways of defining what a selfie is. Also include any questions you might ask Salz about his essay—as well as any thoughts about the selfie that you have.
3. Copy Salz’ first two sentences (italicized below) word-for-word. Then answer the questions about each sentence.
1: (Hook) We live in the age of the selfie.
–What makes this a “hook”? Why is this the first sentence he uses?
2: A fast self-portrait, made with a smartphone’s camera and immediately distributed and inscribed into a network, is an instant visual communication of where we are, what we’re doing, who we think we are, and who we think is watching.
–What do we notice this sentence doing?How does it build off of the first sentence?