1. Selfies are considered a new genre of portraiture. In the article Art at Arms Length, Salz compares the quick wit of selfies to the precise nature of traditional portraits. It is clear that Salz interprets selfies as modern day portraits. 

A selfie is 

  • powerful pg 3 
  • A form of intimacy  pg 3 
  • Displayed through social media pg 3 
  • Causal pg 3 
  • Can be taboo pg 6 and 7 

A selfie is not Accidental pg3 

  • Both hands cannot be in it pg3 
  • without skewed camera angles  pg3 
  • Traditional portraits pg3
  1. A selfie is a casual form of intimacy that that is displayed through social media. It wasn’t created by artists. Yet, the impact is just as powerful. Modern day portraiture ranges from silly pouty faces to chilling expressions from the depths of horrid gas chambers.  

One part of this article that stuck out to me was when Salz mentioned the hole that 9/11 left. Curiosity got the best of me and I took a detour from the article. From this I stumbled upon a photograph of a woman named Marcy Borders aka the Dust Lady. Marcy was covered in the dust of one of the towers. Stan Honda captured this moment: the despair and the sheer shock. 

And, after hours of deep research into 9/11, I returned to Salz’s article. The taboo nature of that photograph is similar to John Quirke’s photograph in Auschwitz. 

It raises the same red flag that others gawk at. 

  1. “We live in the age of the selfie.”

This is a hook because it grabs the readers attention. Salz does this by using the buzz word selfie. It’s a word many recognize and would stay to read more. 

“A fast self-portrait, made with a smartphone’s camera and immediately distributed and inscribed into a network, is an instant visual communication of where we are, what we’re doing, who we think we are, and who we think is watching.”

This sentence explains what exactly a selfie is, how it’s used and where it’s found. Salz sets a foundation then builds on top of it with key details to explain the topic sentence. 

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