Gucci “BlackFace” Sweater Conflict

“Racial Stereotypes such as the “happy-go-lucky darky on the plantation”
Blackface (cartoon) in 1900s
“Black face”
Gucci’s Turtle-Neck Sweater

Media Analysis Questions Edited


How did designers of this particular sweater (Gucci a popular “luxury” brand enjoyed by all) think the message would be interpreted by a specific group who are offended by the sweater and spend millions of their money on this fashion line?


Can a boycott from that specific group encourage a mass boycott followed by their fans/ supporters eventually hurt the sales of the Gucci fashion brand?

2 thoughts on “Gucci “BlackFace” Sweater Conflict”

  1. Hey Sayeeda,

    Its crazy how designers come up with their ideal designs. Even tho it can be racists to designers that’s not a matter to them.  I love the questions you have asked as it makes you think. Especially the first question, i want to know the people who are offended what goes through their minds when they see the picture on top compared to the sweater.

    1. *Hey Wahidmiah,

      I own a few Gucci items, and I was highly offended. Not only because I spent my money on their products and they’re low key racist becoming public racists that issued a politically correct apology, but because of the fact that it’s 2019, and people still secretly live like this is 1965 or even 1865. We are not our great grandparents and what occurred then will not be repeated now!


      **only one “a” in my name- Syeeda

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