Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2024 | Thurs 2:30pm

Research Project – ML

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  1. Avar He Zapata

    Very insightful presentation. Although, how can this relate to design? I didn’t get that aspect. Also, I think it’ll be better if you tried audio recording your speech with proper editing and do it all in a video. My thoughts.

  2. Adrika Hoque

    Hi Marieme, I think you chose an interesting topic that relates to media and consumption culture. I think you could have brought in some of the course material such as Stuart Hall’s theories and more visuals in your presentation. Overall good job!

  3. Sonali Heath

    Hello Marieme, I found your topic to be very intriguing and I do agree that effects of cancel culture could go too far and could definitely put people in risk of danger. It would be great to put some visuals in your slides for the audience to get an understanding of the people you mention in your topic, and to better help you get your point across. Either way I think this was great topic to discuss .

  4. Miranda N.

    Hey Marieme,

    Your tell-all presentation referred to pop culture on the internet. There were not many visuals, but the nature of the kerfuffle you present brings up important issues of internet safety for readers and content creators.

    The reality of stalking, doxing, and mental illness perhaps causing issues for people is being dealt with slowly and badly by internet businesses and what few regulating agencies there are.

    The relevance to design was unclear to me in how you presented it, but the very visual community you refer to seems like a place you enjoy, when it’s the right accounts and creators. I would like to see and hear more of that in your presentation. Perhaps we could hear more about Thumin and Doodletimes, you said were some favorites, and less about the sad drama of internet toxicity.

    Good job!

  5. Tonisha

    Hey, Marieme, am glad to hear you have a personal connection with this topic throughout your presentation, you could have been a more fluent in your presentation with a bit on research on cancel culture. I see you explained what cancel culture is with given examples but you could research on solution to cancel culture.

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