Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2024 | Thurs 2:30pm

Discussion: Research Project Feedback

Add a comment here with a brief update of where you with your Research Project & Presentation work in progress. Include a link to whatever work you have started (ie: annotated bibliography, script, slides, etc). Give feedback to your classmates before next week to allow time for revision.

Review the Research Project & Presentation guidelines to ensure you are clear about the expectations. Specifically, take note of the requirements for Your Annotated Bibliography and Your Presentation Format.

Check out these student examples from last semester.

If you have questions about putting together your presentation, don’t wait until the last minute. Post your questions here and/or contact me.

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  1. Luke El Dib

    This will likely be an in person presentation.

    All bibliography thus far can be found in the second-to-last slide.

    • Adrika Hoque

      Hey Luke, I enjoyed looking at your in progress research project presentation. Your explanations on each slide were very thorough and I enjoyed the themed design. I would suggest breaking up the text or cutting down and creating bullet points. Some visuals and photos would also help with the delivery of the presentation. Looking forward to the presentation!

  2. Avar He Zapata

    Below is the link to my presentation on google slides. Still have not fully finished or started to make video or voiceovers yet. But I do have the main points of my presentation and rough bibliography. You can post comments in my slides if you want.

  3. Adrika Hoque

    Draft Research Project Presentation

    I’m still building out the content on some of the slides and working on the annotated bibliography.

    • Adrika Hoque

      Annotated Bibliography

      • tonisha

        You’ve done a well in-dept research. I like how interactive your presentation was with the audience to disect AI from originality. Well done on your work.

  4. Edd Mendez

    Check out on my below of my research of presentation of Culture Comic Arts on google Slide.

  5. Esmeralda Ensaldo

    This is what I have so far for my presentation slides. I’ve been mostly working on gathering the graphics that I will be talking about.

    Presentation draft

  6. Malika Pardis

    Presentation Slides:

    I will most likely present in person as well! But I will make sure the audio is attached and create a youtube link as well in the future. Let me know if I can do anything to make this better. Thank you!

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