This is a story I started writing in class one day. I wrote more and thought I’d share it here.

One day, I was sitting in Design Theory writing an assignment when I heard a faint noise. It sounded like a woman giggling. Because I was exhausted, I chalked it up to me being sleep-deprived. After a few minutes, another student brought it up, confirming that I wasn’t just hearing things. A few more students chimed in before four of the boys got up and left the room to investigate. I got up and joined them out of sheer curiosity. The noise then stopped. We paused in silence before the woman’s giggling returned even louder. One boy jumped back in shock while the rest of us frantically moved our heads around, scanning the room. A pale figure was seen running across the Pearl hallway quite fast. All five of us ran after her. She was really quick, outrunning us all. She turned the corner before falling down. Catching up, we saw that the woman had tripped over the janitor’s supply bucket. We grabbed her and held her down as security was called. The woman struggled to break free but she was no match against the five of us. Security soon arrived on the scene and took it from there. She was promptly handcuffed before they stood her up. We finally got a good look at her, or it. I didn’t even know if this thing could be called a woman. It looked like what most would consider a woman, but at the same time it looked like something very different from I’ve ever seen. She had longish hair, large pale eyes, her skin incredibly pale, yet not inhuman. Her clothing was super skin-tight and the same color as her skin, giving the impression that she was really naked with extra mass on her arms, legs, and torso. My earlier assumption of my lack of sleep having to do with my grip on reality came back and started filling my mind stronger than before. I was just in so much disbelief that I needed any logical reason as my safety net to justify this. I was almost dumbfounded and as still as a statue. I didn’t even know what the others were saying even though I heard them. All of my attention was on this thing that stood in front of me. I watched as she was escorted away by security. It was decided that we head back to class since there was no reason for us to be gone any longer. Still out of it, I was pulled back toward the rest of reality when one of the boys grabbed my shoulder and said “C’mon we have to get back to class.” We walked back to room P117. Our professor Jenna asked about the tussle and two of the boys present explained everything to her while I just listened. Jenna and the rest of the students were very weirded out by the story but the silence coming from those of us that were there was loud enough to confirm the story. 

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