Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2024 | Thurs 2:30pm



What makes Helldivers 2 so different from other video games? Why is Helldivers 2 so good? The topic that I am examining is Helldivers 2 and its differences in the gaming industry. On top of that, what makes Helldivers so good for people to keep playing. My research topic is socially significant because many people are still playing it today ever since release. Examining this topic made me want to explore more about the game and what the creators did to make it so good. This is meaningful to me because I am a big time gamer myself and I love a new challenge when it comes to a new video game. But here is some more on the differences and what makes this indie game better then other triple a games.


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  1. Avar He Zapata

    Wow! This game looks cool. It’s like Star Wars: The Clone Wars meets Call of Duty. Wish you went a little bit more in detail on the making of this game.

  2. Adrika Hoque

    Hi Nick, I loved the inclusion of the gifs or videos in your presentation. Super dynamic! You have great delivery and presentation skills. It reminded me of how Breath of the Wild really changed the landscape of open world games when it first came out.

  3. Sonali Heath

    Hello, Nick I’ve never heard of Helldivers 2 before, but I really enjoyed your analysis and dept upon the game you’ve discussed about and made me want to check it out for myself. I could tell that you really enjoyed discussing about this topic as well. Adding visuals of the first game of Helldivers side by side with Helldivers 2 would of be great as well, over all I really enjoy learning about this game.

  4. Miranda N.

    Hey Nick,

    You made me want to play. I haven’t, and avoid first person, so this looks cool. It seems like art and love went into it. That’s a nice differentiation with an indie house.

    The idea of differing aliens, the low budget leaning toward creativity, that even weather is part of the experience, the process, the arrival, the details are what make the 10 year project of the small team so very delightful. The usual AAA studio taking only two years put that in real perspective. There just can’t be as much iteration, especially after feedback.

    I learned so much! Great live presentation. Super engaging.

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