Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2024 | Thurs 2:30pm

Intersecting Narratives: The Impact of Russian Constructivism Art on Afghan Art


Russian Constructivism, an influential art movement that emerged in the early 20th century, significantly shaped the aesthetic and functional aspects of art across the globe. Known for its innovative use of geometric forms and a keen focus on the physical properties of materials, the movement advocated for a radical approach to art and design.

In the context of Afghan art, the influence of Russian Constructivism can be seen in how contemporary Afghan artists and designers blend traditional motifs with modernist trends. This hybrid approach not only aids in expressing themes related to social change and cultural identity but also helps in portraying the resilience of the nation. By integrating geometric abstraction and practical design elements, Afghan art connects historical narratives with modern expressions, reflecting the nation’s ongoing experiences with conflict, recovery, and self-definition.

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1 Comment

  1. Sonali Heath

    Hey Malika, Your Presentation was really well thought out and very interesting. Learning the detail about the Posters from the movies based Afghanistan have certain meanings behind them, according to their colors, positions, theme, etc have certain importance. Overall Amazing Topic for your Presentation!

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