The main inspiration behind me wanting to become an illustrator are several artists on YouTube. The main ones being Thumin and JaidenAnimations.

Thumin is an art YouTuber whom I’ve discovered a few months ago. I really love her art style and her videos. Her art is very vibrant and colorful, like they are coming to life. The reason I love Thumin’s videos so much is because I like how she is so strong willed despite all of the racism she faces on Twitter. Her videos are very informative and inspiring. Thumin’s pretty much became the reason why I’m set on becoming an illustrator.

JaidenAnimation on the other hand, is an animation YouTuber. I’ve been watching her videos since I was in high school. Jaiden’s videos are really funny and her animation is really good. Before I decided to become an illustrator, I was first interested in animation because of Jaiden. In my previous college, I took a class in 2D animation and I saw just how much goes into animation. It was pretty intimidating at first, but it was a fun class and I really liked doing 2D animation. I was pretty torn between animation and illustration, but after discovering Thumin I decided I wanted to do illustration for sure.

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