Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2024 | Thurs 2:30pm

Research Draft#1: Comic Arts Culture

By Eduardo Mendez

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  1. Adrika Hoque

    Hi Edd, your research presentation had nice visuals and relevant background information. I think you could’ve had a stronger research question with a “why?” question. I also really liked how you included your own personal stories in the presentation.

  2. Avar He Zapata

    Hello Edd, you seem to know quite a lot about the topic you are researching. I do think however to you stuttered or read too fast a couple of your slides quite nervously.

  3. tonisha

    Good work ED! You seem very passionate about comics, but you didn’t went much with the research guideline, having a question and the, ” why?” to it. You have a great connection with your personal work and comics.

  4. Miranda N.

    Hey Edd,

    You have great graphics for your slides and presentation. I like your personal story. Do check your grammar and spelling. More images about Scott McCloud, for instance, would be cool. Good job!

  5. Sonali Heath

    Hey Edd, Nice topic for your Presentation. The visuals you had are very nice, the research I feel like there could’ve been a little more depth to show your point on how Design and Comic work together, including the “why” of your research. Overall nice presentation!

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