
Why do creators decide to kill or harm fictional women as a plot device for men as often as they do?

Background/Review of the Sources
I am examining the regularity and methods of which women are fridged in fiction, action genres to be exact. For decades, writers of action-focused genres have made the decision to kill, maim, or harm women in gruesome ways for the sake of a male protagonist’s character development. The term fridging derived from Green Lantern #54 when Kyle Raynar found the body of his girlfriend, Alex DeWitt who was murdered by Major Force in the refrigerator upon returning home. The term fridging was coined and made popular by comic writer Gail Simone in 1999 when the website “Women in Refrigerators” was launched by comic fans who noticed the pattern of female characters who underwent some form of torment. Over time, the trope has evolved into more complex scenarios, straying away from the brackets of what fridging refers to but it hasn’t died completely.

This topic is important to me as I think that fictional men and women should be treated in the same manner regardless of the creator(s)’ intention. The pattern of women in refrigerators has been a trope for decades and while improvements have been made, the trope is still a staple.

My questions:

  • Why do creators feel the need to hurt women specifically for the sake of a man’s development?
  • Are there other less sexist ways to convey the message?
  • What is it about using women as plot devices for men that works to the point of normality?

Method and Design

  • Intro – Inform my audience as to what fridging is
  • Talk more in depth about the fridging trope and why it’s problematic.
  • Address the issue of fridging, detailing why it’s common, why it’s done, and what the alternatives are.
  • Address other relevant factors that may help someone understand.
  • Talk about how improvements can be made so less fridging occurs.

Bearing Witness to Female Trauma in Comics: An Analysis of Women in Refrigerators

Females and Feminism Reclaim the Mainstream: New Superheroines in Marvel Comics

With Great Power: Examining the Representation and Empowerment of Women in DC and Marvel Comics

Perils of the Heroine: The Historic Role of Woman in Comics

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