Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2024 | Thurs 2:30pm

Designer’s Cookbook Week 10 – N.S.

I was inspired by the designers but to an extent. However a artist/musician that has influenced my work from both design aesthetic and creative ideology is Kid Cudi.

Throughout the years I wouldn’t have thought about getting into so much space themed design if it wasn’t for Cudi’s music, sound and cover art. It all started with Cudi’s mixtape ‘A Kid Named Cudi’ and following up to his albums ‘Man On The Moon: The End of Day’, ‘Man On The Moon II: The Legend of Mr Rager’, and ‘Satellite Flight: The Journey to Mother Moon’.

Kid Cudi’s Mixtape/Album Covers

My Work

The design work from space/galaxy themed was so different in the music industry, it is what made him who he was, which is a man who loved space and always wanted to go to the moon one day. It made me think and wish to go to the moon or just in space to see how different it can be to see more than just earth. From past to present Cudi has been my inspiration a lot and also helped me want to design more for the future.

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1 Comment

  1. Adrika Hoque

    I loved seeing how Kid Cudi influenced your own work! It’s great to recognize what really connects with us and implement that into what we end up creating.

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