While learning about the different designers we learned in class, which were very interesting to learn about, There is one designer that I admire very much from her art and definitely keep gaining influence from her, which she is named JadePurpleBrown. I’ve only recently found out about her a couple months ago and the art pieces I have are kind of similar to her art and aesthetic . The reason I gain an influence on her work is because her purpose behind her work is about representation, showing representation of black women in a higher light which I love about that, and the colors that she uses really gives a certain pop, brings attention which is very effective in their era that we live in. Her work is very amazing and beautiful, its has a sort of personality behind it and colors bring a very warm/hot vibe to her art which I think works really well. She has the type of work that could make someone stop and look at, which is an aspect I want in my work as well.
She is a Graphic Designer in New York inspired to create pieces that really show her love for Black women representation and show them in a Brighter Light, Which I love about that. She’s worked with Companies such as Adobe, Instagram, Target, Squarespace, Toyota, Tiktok, Haagen-Dazs(Ice cream) and many more.
Link to her Website: https://jadepurplebrown.com/pages/info
Designer’s Work :
My Work:
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