Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2024 | Thurs 2:30pm

Week 10 Agenda

Tasks Due Today from Week 9

  • Review Week 9 Agenda
  • Post your Research Project Presentation Outline
  • Add comment to Reading/Discussion #5: Write your own Manifesto
  • Create your Midterm Assessment post
  • Submit Week 9 Agenda Checklist

Check-in (10 min)

Spring 2024 Playlist

Freewrite – The Art of Noticing (15 min)

Prompt: In your language of choice, write continuously in your notebook for 10 minutes about what you noticed this week when completing the task. Don’t edit, or correct, don’t stop, just write. Feel free to share or not.

This week’s task brought to you by Andre:

Change your perspective (aka self-examination through another’s perspective)

Notice how your see yourself vs how others see you. You probably already know how you feel about yourself but what about others? Choose a person/group of persons and think about how they might view you/what they think about you. It can be anyone, be it a stranger or someone you already know.


Next Week’s Prompt by Esmeralda:

Look Up – and then look up again

Find a place to sit or lie down and look up. Take your time. See what’s up there. Then look for what’s beyond that.



Below, find the information covered in this session. Complete all of the following activities, videos, and assignments.

1. Assignment Review

How did it go?

2. Share: Manifestos!

Share your own Manifesto

3. Designer’s Cookbook: Influences + Lineages

In the remaining weeks (and in leu of a second essay), we will explore the evolution of contemporary design through the lens of a few key ideas. As author Helen Armstrong notes in Graphic Design Theory: Readings from the Field, [design] is a discipline that continually moves between extremes—anonymity and authorship, the personal and the universal, social detachment and social engagement.”

We will examine major design movements and their lineages, with an eye toward:

  • Technological Change
  • Authorship vs Anonymity
  • Universal vs Personal/Cultural/Political
  • Social Responsibility vs Social Detachment

We will start by following the western canon and weave in underrepresented designers, movements, and influences, as well as contemporary lineages.

The goal here is for you to discover your own aesthetic lineages. Why are you drawn to one visual aesthetic over another? What are the ingredients (influences) that make up your visual style? Together let’s make a Designer’s Cookbook (or suggest another name for this). Each week write a post about an artist, designer, musician, scientist, philosopher, or movement. And with example images, demonstrate how they are part of your design lineage.

4. Futurism

Graphic design was in its infancy in the early 20th Century, and the artists/designers of the early Avant-Garde were laying the foundation for the field amidst worldwide upheaval and technological and social change.

Filippo Marinetti, along with a group of young Italian artists, composed the Manifesto of Futurism” in 1909 to declare their ambitions, in opposition to the traditional values dominating Italian art and culture of the time.

Login to LinkedIn Learning with your Public Library Card (see LinkedIn Learning Access) and watch European Avant-Garde in the Course: Learning Graphic Design History.

Using our “lens of extremes” outlined above, where did the early Futurists focus their attention?

5. Dadaism

The Dada Movement was a radical artistic and literary movement that emerged in response to the chaos and disillusionment of World War I. The movement began in Zurich, Switzerland in the early 20th century and spread to other parts of Europe and the United States. Hugo Ball and Tristan Tzara wrote Dada Manifestos in 1916 and 1918, respectively.

Learn more in this short essay.

6. Afrofuturism

Afrofuturism is a cultural aesthetic that combines science-fiction, history and fantasy to explore the African-American experience and aims to connect those from the black diaspora with their forgotten African ancestry.

Let’s watch this PBS Video introducing Afrofuturism.

Does contemporary Afrofuturism have lineages back to those of the early avant-garde Futurists?

7. Black Dada / Adam Pendleton

Interview: Adam Pendleton at Galerie Max Hetzler

In his book which he describes as “a collage in book format,” Adam Pendleton, draws “connections between classic European Dadaist texts, which were responding to the violence and trauma of World War I, and the writings of figures like Black Arts Movement leader LeRoi Jones, responding to the violence of racism in the 1960s. Relating these art historical threads creates an avenue for considering the experiences of shock and displacement in both anew, opening up new potential associations.”

“What Is ‘Black Dada’?” by Terence Trouillot (read more)

Black Dada began as a series of paintings and as an old-fashioned manifesto, in the form of a wotty, 13-page epic poem, that references some of his touch stones…

BEYOND WORDS ART TALK” Ted Loos, WSJ Magazine (REad More)

8. Assignment: Designer’s Cookbook Week 10

This week we looked at Futurism, Dada, Afrofuturism, and Black Dada; and the designers, manifestos, and aesthetics that define them.

Were you inspired by any of the designers or movements we discussed this week?

If yes, dive a little deeper and identify which and why. Write about them in relation to your own work, design aesthetic, or creative ideology . See if you can locate visual lineages or connections in your own work.

If no, introduce us to a designer, artist, musician, scientist, philosopher, writer, or movement (etc) that has influenced your work, design aesthetic, or creative ideology. Include images of your work and theirs for comparison and demonstrate how they are part of your design lineage.

Create a post called Designer’s Cookbook Week 10 – YourInitials.

Add the category Designer’s Cookbook.

9. Midterm Assessment Post

If you didn’t do this last week, do it now on paper or in a post before the end of class. Review the guidelines in Week 9.

Week 10 Agenda Checklist

Below are all of the tasks, big and small, for this week. The due date is Wednesday, 11:59 pm before our next Thursday class. Timely completion of these tasks will contribute to your success in this course.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Tasks from the Week 10 Agenda

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  1. Nick

    Designer’s Cookbook Week 10 – N.S.

    (Could not create post, did not give me the option.)

  2. Adrika Hoque

    Reflection of the eclipse caught on camera

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