Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2024 | Thurs 2:30pm

Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans in Advertising

By Eduardo Mendez

The 19th-century advertisement that uses other stereotypes to sell a product demonstrates how the media challenged societal biases of the time in “Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans in Advertising.” This Browse Essay is about Chinese and Japanese Americans representing various ways of not wanting any strangers to model minority geeks to affluent consumers. Furthermore, in the late 19th to early-mid 20th they show immigration trends, entrance into local economies, US military alliances, and policies. Furthermore, there are several reasons that Chinese and Japanese American advertisers have not targeted outside of a few areas,  Immigration between Chinese and Japanese Americans, during WWII, and the campaigns.

       The first thing about the advertisement of Chinese and Japanese Americans that the Media challenged societal biases of the time, is the immigration. According to the Chinese immigrants, “The majority of Chinese immigration occurred in two waves, dating back to the start of the 19th century. The first wave consisted of unskilled laborers who worked on railroads, most notably the Central Pacific Railroad and the Transcontinental railroads. They also found labor opportunities in mining as well as menial labor jobs.” This quote is telling that Chinese American, were staring at the labor in the 19th  century, so they have unskilled labor, but they found the perfect opportunities for automated businesses, something that was of little cost. Also, the white American public goes fast expressing resentment at the encroachment on their job and the willingness to accept lower wages for equal work. Second, there is something strange about Japanese immigrants. According to the article, “By the turn of the century, they comprised a prominent portion of the nation’s railroad labor force while they also began to take agricultural jobs. Pacific Northwest cities such as Seattle and Portland become major arrival centers for Japanese immigrants.” This quote is telling that, after Chinese immigrants were banned, the Japanese immigrants are ready to start to migrate to the Pacific Northwest. Because it said that Japanese people live in the Pacific NorthWest, and  has two cities, Seattle and Portland, and it has become major coming centers for Japanese Immigrants, unlike Chinese immigrants with laundries, while Japanese looked to buy farming plant areas. For those two differences between Chinese and Japanese, showing something around the Area, with different types of jobs, Chinese has labors, while Japanese has agricultural. Overall, the first thing about the advertisement of Chinese and Japanese Americans that the Media challenged societal biases of the time, is the immigration. 

     Another thing about the advertisement of Chinese and Japanese Americans that the Media challenged societal biases of the time, is US During the Civil War. According to the Article, “Although the US lifted restrictions against Chinese immigrants during World War II, it was only after 1965, when the US passed the Hart-Cellar Act that large-scale immigrants to the US Began. Unlike the unskilled labor welcomed to the US for manual work, these immigrants were solicited for their professional training.” This quote is telling that the US is against Chinese immigration during World War II after 1965, when the US went through the Hart-Cellar Act that introduced big size immigration to the US and completed the Hart-Cellar Act that introduced big size immigrants to US, then they’ve welcome to US for manual work for their signatures skills for getting a job. According to the quote of the Japanese with Civil War, “After the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, in 1942 Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which called for the internment of Japanese Americans. Although the Majority were citizens, they were forced to leave their homes and businesses United States interned about 110,00 Japanese Americans.” This quote is telling that after Japanese exploded during the World War II, Japanese American people have to be forced to leave their homes and jobs in United States imprisoned about 110,00 Japanese Americans, that shows of Japanese Advertisements frame them as an enemies and they are aggressive. For those Chinese and Japanese Americans who had something in common during World War II, that represents the United States. As you can see, the advertisement of Chinese and Japanese Americans that the Media challenged societal biases of the time, is US During the Civil War. 

     The Last thing about the advertisement of Chinese and Japanese Americans that the Media challenged societal biases of the time, is a campaign. According to the Campaigns, “Since the mid-1980s, a new niche has emerged in the advertising industry, one that caters specifically to Chinese Americans as consumers. Thes Ads, creed by those familiar with Chinese language and culture, are made “in-language” (in Chinese or Mandarin) and “in-culture” in ways that counter stereotypical images.” This quote from the Chinese Ads has shown the advertising industry that for Chinese Americans people, because this commercial has something with language and culture, because Chinese American will understand the Chinese Language. Then, according to Japanese Campaigns, “Since 1980, the Japanese American population has begun to decline, with many Japanese Americans of mixed race parentage. Because of this, because there was not a large influx of Japanese post 1965, Asian American niche advertising has designated them the six largest group and too small to target outside a few areas.” This means that in 1980, the Japanese American population began to be negative with many mixed race parentage. Because many of the third and fourth generation were considered to be more culturally and linguistically responsive to advertising too. So those two campaigns of Chinese and Japanese were similar, except for the language and cultures of Asians. As you can see, the advertisement of Chinese and Japanese Americans that the Media challenged societal biases of the time, is a campaign.

 In Conclusion, The 19th-century advertisement that uses other stereotypes to sell a product demonstrates how the media challenged societal biases of the time in “Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans in Advertising.” Because this Article shows the importance of those two Asians between Chinese and Japanese, three advertisements are Immigrants, World War II, and Campaign ads. So therefore of those three things two different Asian Americans showing something the importance of culture and language between different groups. Furthermore, this Article is very important  and interesting between their cultures and groups. People should read this because it shows facts about Chinese and Japanese groups around America.

1 Comment

  1. Avar He Zapata


    0 = Missing — = Needs Improvement + = Great!


    • Uses intentional strategy to get the reader’s attention: 0
    • Showcases topic: +


    • Is Identifiable:
    • Is the last sentence of the introduction: 0
    • Firmly states the writer’s position or exposition of the topic:


    • Follow a logical order: +
    • Contains effective topic sentences, bodies with details, and transitions or conclusion: +


    • Refers back to the introduction:
    • Is firm on the writer’s proposition:


    • Contains few errors in grammar and usage: 0

    Critical Thinking:

    • Shows significant evidence of original thought and analysis: +


    • Contains few if any errors of format:


    • Uses the correct numbers of sources: 0
    • Cites sources on the Work Cited page: 0
    • Effectively uses parenthetical documentation: 0

    0 = Missing (6/15) — = Needs Improvement (5/15) + = Great! (4/15)

    Makes a good use of historical context but doesn’t back it up with where the sources of information comes from. No bibliography. Thesis isn’t quite clear. What are you trying to prove? What’s the main idea? How and why this advertisement won’t work in today’s world? How does this relate to stereotypes? None of the theorists or terms we’ve learned in class are mentioned here. Overall, not a lot of in-depth analysis of what’s on the advertisement itself. Just the historical context that surrounds it with no proof proper research shown.


    Introduction: 2

    Attempts to use strategies to get the reader’s attention/introduces the topic.

    Thesis: 1

    Is identifiable /is not the last sentence of the introduction/vaguely states the writer’s position or exposition of the topic.

    Paragraphs: 2

    Follow a logical order/contain a topic sentence and body, but without many details.

    Conclusion: 2

    Refers back to the introduction/is generally in keeping with the reader’s position/comes full circle.

    Convention: 3

    Contains few errors in punctuation or usage.

    Critical Thinking: 2

    Shows some evidence of personal thought and analysis.

    Formatting: 2

    Contains some errors in formatting.

    Research: 0

    Does not use sources or does not cite sources on the Works Cited Page

    TOTAL: 14/24

    Here’s the link to my google doc to make comments and to grade my work:

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