Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_OL08 | FALL 2021

Discussion: Week 8

“Branding turned into belonging: belonging to a tribe, to a religion, to a family. Branding demonstrated that sense of belonging both for people that were part of the same group and also for those who did not belong.”

“The most powerful brands we are creating today are not created by corporations, they are movements created by people for people.”

Debbie Millman | The Complete History of Branding in 20 Minutes

Watch Debbie Millman’s AIGA Lecture “The Complete History of Branding in 20 Minutes” about the history of branding and respond to the prompt below.

  • If branding is how we designate meaning through language, symbols, and words, how do the brands (in the broadest sense) that you affiliate with connect you others and what is the meaning behind them?

Add your ideas in a comment in this Discussion post by Friday, October 22nd at 6 pm to allow time for responses. Add at least 4 follow-up responses to your classmates’ comments by Sunday, October 24th, at 11:59 pm. Reminder: free sharing of ideas helps us learn and it’s also part of your participation grade. 🙂


  1. Nicholas Albanese

    Two of the most important brands that I affiliate with are Target and Twitter. I affiliate with Twitter because it is the primary social media platform that I use on an almost daily basis. I utilize Twitter to post art, interact and engage with my followers and promote the work of myself and other artists I admire/interact with. By affiliating myself with this brand, I tell the world outside and the world of social media that I utilize this app to communicate and engage with the art world at large. The meaning behind the Twitter logo is that the iconic logo of the bird is meant to represent the microblog nature of Twitter and how fast a bird can deliver a message. It is meant to represent how like a bird can instantly reach a large distance in a small amount of time, you too can do the same with a tweet and deliver messages in seconds.

    Another brand I recently affiliated myself with is Target. I affiliate myself with this brand because it has become my recent place of work. Affiliating myself with this brand helps me to connect with others who also work at Target as well as other employers. By affiliating myself with their brand and the work I do, employers can know that I am a reliable worker and someone who prioritizes getting tasks done quickly. The meaning behind the iconic Target bullseye is that it shows how as a store, Target is forward-thinking and always pays attention to success and how they can accurately provide guests with the help they need.

    • Zi Hang Lian

      Oh, nice. Although I’m not affiliated with Twitter in any way, I would go on there to look for inspirations.

      • Account Deleted

        I guess affiliated brands can also be where you work

        • Zi Hang Lian

          Yeah, if you have seen some of my other posts in this discussion, I mentioned that too.

    • Eric Sukhdeo

      I would consider myself affiliated with Target if I were to choose a brand in that category because to fell welcomed with the way the store is designed and “bullseye” theme it tries to go for.

    • bryanmendez

      Target and Twitter both heavily invested in there consumer/platform users as they both try to do a lot for them

  2. Ebony Star

    The two brands that I affiliate with are Instagram and Shopify. Instagram is the social media platform I am affiliated with the most because I have 3 different accounts. I use Instagram to post photos of my personal life on one account, and the other 2 are my business accounts. On my personal account, I enjoy posting stories and images of my family and friends, and accomplishments to my followers. I like to keep my followers updated on my life on Instagram, especially since I have so much going on with school, life, internships, and businesses. One photo from my phone can be uploaded with the option on a caption or not that can inform my community what I want them to know. I utilize my business accounts to market my brands, share product content, day-in-the-life vlogs and share information about the brands. It’s where I connect with my audience who want to stay updated with my business. The Instagram logo is simple, white square and dot that is based on the polaroid camera. The gradient background represents Instagram’s diverse community. The logo represents that one shot that can be shared in real-time seen anywhere.

    I am affiliated with Shopify because I use this e-commerce platform as a tool to sell, market, process, and ship my products to customers. Shopify’s templates assist me with building a successful online store that I can modify to my desired style and alter language depending on the viewer’s location. I am connected with customers who are looking for my product/or like my product locally and internationally. The product information, images, and prices inform my viewers that I am aware and knowledgeable of the products and their benefits. Shopify gives prospective customers the opportunity to access my products anywhere, anytime, stay updated, and contact me with questions. Analytics reports available on Shopify grants me access to see where my audience comes from and keywords used to drive them to my website. Shopify is widely used by all types of organizations and companies to build an online store or retail pos system. Its logo combines a brandmark, the shopping bag with the white italic S and wordmark. The green-colored shopping bag symbolizes comfort and growth. Shopify has earned the trust of many brands. It’s safer to use a well-known platform that will handle your business and consumers’ personal information. This user-friendly platform helps businesses grow and connect.

    • Nicholas Albanese

      I agree. Along with Twitter, I also affiliate with Instagram as it’s my secondary social media platform. It is very versatile and the logo really helps to illustrate its purpose: to share photos and express yourself.

    • Zi Hang Lian

      I heard of Instagram before but never went on there as much. I do go there once in a while which is not very often. I think it’s a unique platform because rather than a text-oriented platform like Twitter, it’s more photo-oriented and you can express yourself through photos.

    • Eric Sukhdeo

      I have an Instagram but I wouldn’t feel affiliated with them because of how everything is so fast moving that platform is. Also I hate feeling like I have to post something just because, or else it would look I I died or something. Lastly it starts this affect of trying to get more and more likes with each post making the one with little to no like seem meaningless.

    • SimonWill21

      wow Shopify sounds like an extremely useful tool for building your business.

      • Ebony Star

        Yes, it is user-friendly, with tutorials and 24/7 customer service.

    • bryanmendez

      I also would say I’m affiliated with Instagram as it something I use for entertainment and to be connected with friends and family it is a platform that plays on connections with others

  3. Angela Alvarez

    If branding is considerably how we designate meaning through the use of language, symbols and words, brands that I affiliate with would definitely contribute to how I am connected with others and there is much meaning behind them. The two main brands that I affiliate myself with are Instagram and the company at the moment, Starbucks. These two brands correlate my work and social life, and they intertwine in the way that they hold as places of communication both digitally and physically. Through the social media platform Instagram, I feel like it serves as a hub for being able to just log online and engulf myself in its community of my friends, my family and my inspirations. When I take an image that has resonance to my life or the people I love, I feel inclined to share it on this platform, in order to not only have affirmation from those I love, but to keep a documentation of the positive aspects that brings me happiness in darker times. The language used in captions, the language used in comments and the language used in user’s profile pages all connect together in building a sense of individuality within the sea of users on Instagram. The symbols of our profile photos indicate who we are, who we may represent, or our affluent inspirations that drive us to do better. It is much more than a photo sharing platform but instead a kind of large community center where we all share little bits of our lives with one another and make ourselves vulnerable and yet, stronger through our own personal branded pages. Like Debbie Millman mentions in her AIGA Lecture, the condition of branding reflects the condition of our cultures and how we treat, talk to and label each other as individuals and as a community.

    On the other hand, my workplace, Starbucks, is not a digital social media platform but instead a large food corporation that consists of thousands of stores that all carry the same ideal of maintaining customer connections and creating human moments in a coffee shop. The longer I’ve worked here the longer I’ve realized that every aspect of the stores and products are all made in order to create a very specific type of calm, relaxed environment, and to encourage our baristas to create connections with our customers in order to keep them coming back. The Starbucks brand logo features a Siren, representative in the way it flows into a circle full stop, and also as a kind of strong icon to make the coffee brand unique in a sense. The color theory used within the menus, the typeface in signage and even the names of the drinks all contribute to Starbucks’ branding, with the similar intention of being a hub for people to not only buy coffee, but to meet someone new and have an experience worth remembering.

    • Nicholas Albanese

      Even though a brand is not social media, you can still affiliate yourself with it if you enjoy its products. For example, I affiliate myself with Target since it’s my current place of work and because it has products that I enjoy. I also agree that Starbucks has a specific way of branding that makes it so that their stores can be a place where you can enjoy coffee and have a lovely experience.

    • Zi Hang Lian

      Well, branding doesn’t always mean it has to be a social platform. It can be a company or a product. It’s good to hear that you affiliate and relate to Starbucks. It just means you care a lot about your company that your working for.

    • Shauntaya

      I like how you view brands like Starbucks not only for the experience but what they can do for you. The benefit for the brand and the consumer is important as that is the shared connects between you and starbucks

    • Shauntaya

      I like how you view brands like Starbucks not only for the experience but what they can do for you. The benefit for the brand and the consumer is important as that is the shared connects between you and starbucks.

    • Hadassah

      I agree with you about Starbucks, it’s really a place where you get to meet and interact with people.

    • Ebony Star

      Yes, you make a great point, languages are essential to one’s sense of individuality on Instagram. Amongst such a large community many take pride in expressing themselves, with their words throughout the platform.

  4. Lily Yu

    Branding is how we designate meaning through language, symbols, and words. When we brand something we all agree with the meaning and connect to it. Two brands that I affiliate with are Pinterest and Instagram. I affiliate with Pinterest because it is a place where I can create a mood board and collect inspiration for the next illustration I will create. I can also follow other people’s mood boards and get inspiration from them as well if my mood boards seem to be a bit dull for me that day. Something cool that I have found out is that the Pinterest logo has a pin in it created by the end of the “P” like you are pinning up pieces on a board.

    Another brand I am affiliated with is Instagram because it is the place where I can post my artwork and show people what I have made and what I was proud of that day. I can also share a moment of time on Instagram for my friends and followers to see if they want to get to know me better. It is a great platform to share what you got and also another place where I can be surrounded by people who can give me more inspiration and we can communicate. The logo is also very colorful which to me means I can be as creative as I can be and it is also a camera to show you moments that you may want to share with people. It is a place where you can express yourself.

    • Nicholas Albanese

      I also align myself with these brands but mostly with Instagram. I think the logo really helps drive creativity even on first viewing. The colorful purple and orange gradient and the icon of the camera really drive home the purpose of the app; to post and share your creative photos with the world. Instagram is a great platform to share your personal creativity and share a highlight of moments from your life.

    • Zi Hang Lian

      Oh, Pinterest. I don’t think I know much about this platform. I heard about other platforms like Twitter or Reddit but not much information on Pinterest. I only heard it’s a platform where you can share photos or images and that’s about it.

    • Angela Alvarez

      While it is true that branding could be considered differently for social media, I agree that it makes a large influence especially when you are a visual artist where your page becomes a sort of portfolio. The layout of Instagram makes it a great platform for this opportunity while also achieving multiple factors in one like you said, keeping up with friends and followers and connecting with them.

    • Account Deleted

      Using social media to get info to help create your project is good

    • Eric Sukhdeo

      Pinterest is a great source for inspiration with all the different ideas in creative ways that people post. Whenever I need ideas for activities like interior design, drawing something or even building a house in Minecraft there is always a Pinterest there to give ideas.

    • SimonWill21

      I went on Pinterest a few times and I am aware about the mood boards but I never was on there long enough to be aware of the social side of the platform, interesting.

    • bryanmendez

      Same I also use Pinterest to produce inspiration and create mood boards for work

    • Hadassah

      That’s really cool, Pinterest is a great platform to go to for inspiration.

    • Ebony Star

      I also affiliate myself with Pinterest because I use it to post skincare information and to collect inspiration of all kinds. I get some of the best ideas for DIY projects. Pinterest actually ranks fourth in social media platforms because it’s highly used by women and men. You don’t necessarily need an account. Most of the time you are directed to Pinterest due to a related link to the topic searched. The detail of the logo is really cool because as much as I utilize Pinterest I always saw a P because of the small favicon that we see when the platform loads.

  5. Zi Hang Lian

    When I hear the word branding, I think of a company, a product a company sells or a social platform. If branding means how we design meaning through language, symbols, and words, it can also mean having an influence over the world. To be honest, I don’t think I’m affiliated with any branding. I happen to know some brands and I use some of those brands. If I like the brand, I use them but I don’t really feel connected with it.

    I don’t really use social media that much. I would go on the social media platforms to look for inspiration and information. Communication is hard for me as an introvert. I don’t find myself comfortable using social platform. I like to go the social planforms to gather information but I don’t really participate in posts as much.

    I believe having connections is a good thing. It helps people connect with each other and make the community closer. Other people like company more than anything while some people like me like to be on the side. Everyone’s different so people won’t always agree with you or get your perspective all the time. I’m more of an observer than a participant. I like to absorb information I gathered and applied it to my own. Looking through social media pages, company websites, etc.

    Since I don’t have an answer to this question myself, I’m going to give an answer about branding that other people might have. Some brand people are affiliated with are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, Reddit, and other social media I can think of. Through social media, people can post stories about themselves or using the platform as a way to express themselves or influence others. It can be inspiring looking at other people’s story and posts. It doesn’t have to be social media either. It can be a product like Nike, Victoria’s Secret or McDonalds as long as they’re attached to the brand.

    • Angela Alvarez

      As a fellow sort of introvert, I agree that communication is so difficult and especially more so during our digital age. It seems like everyone has a brand of their own, a following and an active lifestyle to keep up with, and its also really good to just take a step back and think that sometimes we don’t need to assign ourselves to anything, just to be human. Being able to have the internet to absorb information really can be both a good and bad thing emotionally, physically and intellectually.

      • Zi Hang Lian

        Yeah, that’s the point. Not everyone will want to get involved. Sometimes, people just like to search stuffs online. About your last point, I can see what you mean. I mean nothing’s perfect. We have to see with our own eyes.

      • Shauntaya

        I like the idea of not being assigned to any brand it can get overwhelming to keep up with everythinf.

    • Account Deleted

      I don’t like to post personal info either. I also just observe

      • Zi Hang Lian

        I guess we’re on the same boat here.

    • Jenna Spevack

      Zi Hang, Rahel, Shauntaya,
      As another fellow introvert, I totally understand that “connection” doesn’t have to mean public, online interaction. You can connect as an observer and you describe this well.

      However, Zi Hang, you often speak passionately about your interest in certain video games. Those certainly fall into corporate branding! Where and why do you feel that sense of belonging? How about websites, discussion groups, podcasts that discuss video games you like? How do those brands connect you to others?

      Debbie Millman also talks about how the most powerful brands today are not created by corporations, they are movements created by people for people, such as Black Lives Matter. Are there any “brands” or cultures (also in the broadest sense) that you connect with? Why?

      • Zi Hang Lian

        Yeah, I did indeed have big passion for video games. It’s more of a hobby for me than something I’m affiliated with. I like to play many games either on the console or computer. Genshin Impact, COD (Call of Duty), Princess Reconnect, Pokemon, Hatsune Miku games, and many others. I’m a big fan of RPG and Rhythm Games.

        I just play those game for fun and sometimes, I would check their websites for news and other updates. I know they’re part of a corporate branding but I still prefer playing it on my own and observe from one place as an introvert.

        From my own experience as an observer, I found a lot of interesting things online. Art inspirations, game updates, player opinion on a game, other information I found useful and many more. I like to read comments or listen to story a lot. I like being an observer because I learn something new everyday just by looking at them.

        • Jenna Spevack

          Ah, that’s great, Zi Hang. I was trying to clarify for you what I mean by “brands” in this broad sense. And by “affiliate,” I mean a sense of connection or that feeling of belonging. When you meet someone who plays a game you love, you might be more apt to feel connected to them because they understand the game.

          I don’t feel a strong connection to many major brands or corporations either. I’m more likely to feel that sense of belonging with the local, independent coffee shop and, in turn, the clientele that frequent it; or social/political movements that fight for human rights, free education, or environmental protection. Branding is used in the latter to connect people and raise awareness, rather than for profit.

    • Nicholas Albanese

      You shouldn’t feel the pressure to follow or identify with a particular brand that you don’t want to affiliate with. Along with Twitter and Target, I personally affiliate myself with lesser-known brands like Bibi Sama which is a clothing brand that makes clothing themed around anime and manga. I agree that looking at the works of others can be very inspiring and I’ve been inspired by brands like Bibi Sama to make my own merchandise (even if I have yet to follow through with that). It’s good to get inspiration from what you love and make something that’s uniquely you.

      • Zi Hang Lian

        I get what you’re saying but I’m not being pressured or anything like that. If I have to put it into simple terms, it’s just that I’m not the person who like to get involved in everything. I like to observe more than participate but glad you understand just even a little bit. Nice to see you’re affiliated with Bibi Sama. I’m going to check that out later.

      • Ebony Star

        I am actually the most inspired when I look at the artwork of others, especially street art, galleries, and museums. I prefer visuals up close and personal rather than digital art. I think as long as the inspiration is there Nicholas, it’ll help to motivate you and you will create your own merchandise when the time is right. Speaking it into existence ; )

  6. Eric Sukhdeo

    Two brands I affiliate myself most with would have to be Reddit and Chick Fil La. Starting with Chick Fil La it is a food that I get very often due to my environment. I work in the city close to 59 st Columbus Circle and there is a chick Fil La not far from there which I visit frequently. I live in an area where there is no Chick Fil La around and so when I do visit it brings me satisfaction. With the great options, they have available to the friendly work staff that never fails to say “my pleasure” to the modern minimalist design of the dining areas. They have made a name for themselves by referring to their chicken sandwich as the “original chicken sandwich” because they were the first to take the idea of a chicken sandwich as their own and no one was able to come close until Popeyes did in 2019 with their chicken sandwich. Overall I get a sense of euphoria when I walk inside with the smell, bright lights, and appreciable design layout even with something as small as their logo. You can clearly see it is a pictorial logo of a chicken which makes sense because they only serve chicken products.

    I am not too big on social media, I’m not one of those people constantly putting stuff on their stories or just randomly posting on Instagram. In fact, I barely use Facebook and I would be considered a “Lurker” on Twitter. However one social media app I use often is Reddit and that is because there is a community for anything on Reddit. I tend to stay more on the PC hardware and gaming side but are communities for fans of anime, cars, any characters, or celebrities. Whenever I have a question about anything there is always someone on Reddit who asked the same question a couple of years ago letting me know I’m not the only one confused about whatever it is. First looking at the UI it doesn’t look as bright, colorful, or simple as Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook but give it some time and you’ll get used to it. As for the logo is the face of a time-traveling alien named “snoo” which seems very odd but it fits the style of Reddit since you can find subreddits of just about anything out there emphasizing how big and random it is to use this social media platform.

    • Angela Alvarez

      I’m curious to know your opinion of how people associate with brands when they make controversial opinions or actions. I’ve always heard of how the founders of Chick Fila spent millions in funding towards anti LGBTQ organizations and many customers and investors were torn due to this action and opinion. I personally like their sandwiches but I always feel like it’s a wrong decision based on their actions and use of the money. Should people be influenced by these things when it comes to siding for or against a brand?

      • Shauntaya

        You always are able to unaffiliate yourself with a brand cause you get to choose what brand you want to associate with based on your morality and view of the world. Even with the information of the LGBTQ+ is disheartening to know people still support the company. I remind myself that the people tend not to care to get involved with the issue cause it is food and it’s popular. Whether you are part of the LGBTQ+ community or allied because its food, cheap, popular the brand is fully supported by the people that buy it.

      • Eric Sukhdeo

        I know of the practices that Chick-fil-A has against the LGBTQ organizations and while do not like or support them themselves I purely just like them for their food. If someone chooses not to eat there because of that reason more power to them but I only like it there just for Spicy chicken sandwich and nuggets.

      • Jennifer Salazar

        It’s like that phrase where you separate the art from the artist, in way.

      • Ebony Star

        This is a great question. My personal morals and integrity won’t allow me to support a brand that isn’t socially aware of their negative controversial opinions and actions. As a brand, it’s their responsibility to successfully market their brand, product and provide a safe environment for people of all kinds no matter the race, gender, or religion. It is not their place to add bias opinions towards those that might be within their target audience. I have never eaten from Chil Fila, and I have even stopped supporting companies like H&M due to advertising that had negative controversy, which featured a black child with a hooded sweatshirt that said “coolest monkey in the jungle”. That made me the customer aware that the company isn’t socially aware of its black culture and the harsh racial slur.

    • Account Deleted

      I’m the same with social media; have it but don’t use it. I feel the same towards fast food places and other restaurants.

    • Zi Hang Lian

      Oh, Reddit. Something I know. I’ve seen Youtubers do Reddit reviews so I seen what kind of stuff are posted here although I don’t go on the social platform myself. Just from Youtubers.

    • SimonWill21

      There is this on going joke about Chick-Fil-A treats their customers practically like gods, I guess this is true based on your experience lol

    • Account Deleted

      Yeah, I agree Reddit has a community for everything, no matter how big or small there is always something for someone on there. It also helps to bring those interested in a similar topic to meet others like themselves and brings them together.

  7. Jennifer Salazar

    A brand that I affiliate with is Pinterest since I like looking for references and inspirations for my drawings. There are some messaging and commenting features but I don’t use them since my account is private. But just having the sense of so much freedom to go through so many genres and aesthetics is really fun. People can also lurk on my page and share the same interests as me, and vice versa. It’s really entertaining to see what other people have saved on their page and see so many different fandoms and fan arts for games or shows. I think this brand is so convenient for its purpose of letting you pin whatever you want, including other people’s work.

    • Shauntaya

      I use Pinterest just like you I do post but just to look at art that I like of reference to use. It is cool to see what people save cause it is like a deep dive into things they are interested in. Thus the name Pinterest you are pinning your interest like a mood board on your wall at home but just digitally.

    • bryanmendez

      Pinterest it is so helpful especially for someone who is creative as it is able to show off other works

    • Account Deleted

      I often use Pinterest whenever I’m stuck and need inspiration for a drawing. There is so a lot of good reference and inspirational images that have helped to spark my creativity.

  8. Account Deleted

    The first brand I affiliate with is Best Buy. It is a place I buy all my electronics from because I live a few blocks down from it. They have a huge selection of products ranging from headphones, wireless earbuds, gaming laptops, controllers, home security, phones, computers, appliances, etc. Their environment is friendly and I’ve never had a nasty employee give me a bad experience. I like that they use my favorite color which is blue and their logo is a price tag with their store name on it. I love looking at and touching all the electronics on display.

    The second brand I affiliate with is Apple because I use their products everyday. For the phone I always like the iphone better and when I have to design for school I always use my macbook because my old windows computer lagged and froze too much. I notice how they have a literal logo, a simple apple that is bitten out of. Their logo is plastered on every device they manufacture and sell which is smart because other companies like Google and Samsung have copied the shape of the iphone and without the apple logo you wouldn’t be able to automatically know its an iphone or mac.

    • Zi Hang Lian

      I know these two products. I went to Best Buy sometimes too when I ran out of stuff. For Apple, I happen to have one of their products too. An iPhone 6. A pretty old model that I got around 10 years ago which I’m still using today. I’m not affiliated with these two products or any products but I do use them and find them helpful.

    • Shauntaya

      It’s cool that the way Best Buy and Apple brand fits your aesthetic of clean and simple most tech company go for futuristic branding.

    • Eric Sukhdeo

      Now you speaking my language, Best Buy is my go to store for electronics. This would have been my other brand if I didn’t choose Reddit. I like that their is wide variety of products and how good their protection plans are which are worth it. I shop there so much I even got a Best Buy credit card.

    • SimonWill21

      I use to go to best buy mainly to buy electronics as well, now I pretty much order any electronic I need online lol.

    • bryanmendez

      Best Buy its platform primary purpose is to sell its products to others and build connections their shoppers through their customer service and repair centers

  9. Shauntaya

    According to Debbie Millman’s AIGA Lecture branding is the people; thus if there were no people who support there would be a brand. For example,social media like Instagram and TikTok are very popular social media used by people to connect to others or used as a tool for their brand. However, if people used it less the brand will eventually get disregarded like Myspace or Snapchat less connect are made when people leave.

    I don’t see myself affiliated with any brand as I see social media as a tool to connect with others or to share my experience with others. I had recently deleted my social media presence to posting often to nothing at all just an observer. To me, social media is a tool nothing more, I get to chat with family members that I keep at a distance, or look up art inspirations. The meaning behind the brand is the people using the brand but this is specific towards social media brands. I view brands like best buy or fast food chains or clothing go about branding differently than social media; social media is more catered for everyone but brands outside of that are carted towards certain consumers. For example, the fast-food chains you are more of like to see it in low incoming neighborhoods than higher incoming neighborhoods.

    • SimonWill21

      Wow, that was a very interesting a unique take, so true that without actual consumers, all of these brands would crumble .

    • Jennifer Salazar

      I’m also someone who doesn’t really post but observes. It still feels really inspirational to just look at trends or artwork. Social media really is catered to so many people with different likes and views.

  10. SimonWill21

    A brand that affiliate with is Tiktok. I currently have 131k followers on the platform and I enjoy posting video edits and dance videos on my page. The platform allows me to interact with my followers and keep them updated my new content. TikTok originally was only seen as an app that allowed people to make dance videos to their favorite songs, but as of now, there are hundreds of different niches and types of content on the platform. The app and its Logo is pretty well know now as well because it is currently one of the biggest social media platform online.

    Another brand that I afiliate with is Amazon. If I want a product that in not available in stores, I go to Amazon to order that product online. For example I needed a new computer desk just a few weeks ago, so I went on Amazon to order one. Amazon’s logo is always on their packages so you will know that you got that product using their platform.

    • bryanmendez

      damn 121k that pretty big but I guess tiktok achieved its what it want to do as it want to show video of each others

    • Jennifer Salazar

      Thats a really big following! You are right about how it’s a bigger app for more than just random videos of people dancing, but for people to even promote their services or business.

    • Account Deleted

      Amazon has become the go-to place for shopping since you can find mostly anything and everything without having to go to actual stores.

  11. bryanmendez

    If branding is how we designate meaning through language, symbols, and words then the 2 brands I see myself most affiliated to is Instagram and pinterest as I feel they’re both similar in style as they allow you to be creative and open. Pinterest allows you to build mood boards and view others’ work and become inspired. While Instagram allows you to be open and share your life with those you know and present yourself in. Both of these set out to build connections with communities and for people to interconnect with each other they both want to be seen as platform that can be used to represent themselves.

    • Jennifer Salazar

      Both really allow you to show what your interests are as well

    • Account Deleted

      Both brands have ways to share art and inspire others into being more creative. I use both to find art that helps me whenever I’m feeling unsure of what to make.

  12. Hadassah

    2 brands I affiliate myself with is Instagram and Adobe Inc. For Instagram, I have have three accounts, two of them share photos, while the other one is my art account, where I post my artworks in it. But not just that, I also use Instagram to connect with friends and family and get inspiration for drawing. For Adobe Inc, I use it a lot for my personal works and projects for classes. It’s easy to navigate and understand, and the tutorials are helpful. They updates and make improvements, so it makes things easier and better.

  13. Account Deleted

    The two brands that I affiliate with the most would be Discord and Steam. Both help me to connect with others that I share similar interests with mostly gaming. Discord has allowed me to keep in touch with many of my friends from middle school and high school. It even helps me meet new people who are also interested in the same things I am, such as artists sharing their works and people who play Dungeons & Dragons. The Discord logo could be seen as a stylized gaming controller since many of the users use Discord to talk to friends while playing games. Similar to Discord, Steam is a way for me to connect with others through gaming since it contains a massive library of classic and upcoming games. Steam has this feature where you can find groups for games that support multiplayer to meet people that also play them.

    • Zi Hang Lian

      That sounds really nice. I heard of Discord but I don’t use it that much. Steam? I also play games there too. I think it’s a good platform to play games.