for Monday, November 6th:
WRITE: You have two options for this assignment. Choose A or B, and post as a comment to this Agenda.
A. Think of a specific audience to whom you would like to share your argument and research. Explain why. What do you think your audience knows and thinks about the subject? And what might their concerns or assumptions be about this particular topic? Make a list of 3-5 genres you think will appeal to your audience and help you share your research effectively.
Freewrite about the genres you may choose from and how they each might/might not appeal to your audience:
script for a TED Talk
script for a radio or television interview
Twitter thread (at least 10 Tweets for the thread)
an interview
podcast script and (optional) recording of the podcast
an infographic or academic poster presentation
a play or film script
a listicle
a poem or song
a children’s book
Think of a specific genre or artifact you would like to make for Unit 3 from the list above (if it isn’t on the list and you want to make it, please email me to see if it will fit with the assignment), based on what you think would best fit the information / argument / research you want to include. Then freewrite about the audience that you think might appreciate the genre or artifact you use:
Is it your family? If so, which family members in particular do you think this writing / artifact would reach?
Is it friends? If so, who specifically? Which family members in particular do you think this writing / artifact would reach?
Is it people you don’t know? If so, why? What can you find out about them, if you don’t know much about them now?
What age (or age range) is this audience?
What are they interested in?
How might they feel about the subject of your artifact?
for Wednesday, November 8th:
Throughout the semester, we’ve seen people talking about (for example) education in a variety of different genres. In each of these instances, the author is trying to reach a different audience and they pick the genre that will best speak to that audience. Think about Lynda Barry’s comic or James Baldwin’s speech. These are all different genres. Why might one write in any of these genres? Who do these genres reach?
So far, we’ve talked a bit about some different genres: interviews, emails, research papers, social media posts.
In this unit, you’ll be writing about the topic you researched in Unit 2 for an audience of your choosing– so now it’s time to think about what genre you think will best reach your audience!
WRITE: You will need to write a proposal of at least 200 words outlining what you plan to do for Unit 3. Post as a comment here. This proposal should tell us:
- A 1-2 sentence statement of what you want to teach your audience (the most important thing you learned in Unit 2)
- The audience you are trying to reach
- The genre you are planning to write in and why you chose it
- A plan — how do you intend to get started? What will be your FIRST STEP?
- Anything you might be worried about. What are your concerns about finishing this project?
I would like to share my research with college students because according to statistics there at least 50% of college full time students from ages 18-22 who drank alcohol in the past month. College students should have an understanding of what alcohol is and its dangers. To share my research, I’ll consider tweeter, interview, podcast or a song. I think that these genres of sources are content genres that college students consume the most. Tweeter is one of the most used social medias, my research will definitely reach some of the college students. An interview is also the genre of content that a lot enjoy to watch, and making a video interview and posting it on YouTube can reach some of my intended audience. If the song is well written and has a nice beat it will its listeners and spread my research.
I would like my research to reach young minds with an interest in climate change and science that are concerned with making a change in the world. Materials that are mined/farmed are depleting and mining is harmful to the environment. Carbon fiber could be that material that can change how much we mine for metals and stones and have a better impact on the world. I will share my research as either an infographic/academic poster presentation, a listicle, or a TED Talk script. An infographic/academic poster, if creative enough, will catch viewers attention and get the information across effectively. Listicles are great for being quick and concise on the topic presented in a simple and familiar format. There is a TED Talks for almost anything. They are engaging, informative, and familiar.
I would say that you should also think about the twitter threads since you are trying to reach young people. I do like how you have a specific target audience so that way you narrowed down who you are trying to reach. I like how you brought up the idea of carbon fiber because people don’t normally talk about using for things like that
A specific audience I would like to share my argument and research with are college students and adolescents. Rats are a serious problem in New York City and their population is going to continue to increase unless we start to make a change. This is why I would like to share my research with the younger and upcoming generations. It’s important for them to know the circumstances of the problem. I was unaware of how the rat problem was worsening and most likely there are plenty of college students, high schoolers, and middle schoolers who are unaware as well. Since some people in the upcoming generation are naive about the problem, they can contribute to making it worse without even knowing. Studies have shown that people younger than nineteen years old frequently litter the most, and next are individuals who are younger than thirty years old. How can we expect to decrease the rat population when children and younger adults are littering because they are unaware of the consequences of their actions? Nobody wants rats in their homes, schools, parks, or subways, so if the younger generation knows that their actions are causing these unwanted circumstances, possibly an impactful change can come in the near future where rats are rarely seen in New York City neighborhoods. The genres that will appeal to my target audience and share my research effectively are a twitter thread, an infographic or academic poster presentation, or podcast script. These three genres are genres that will reach my target audience, be quick and brief, while also providing important information.
I think this is a really interesting research that should the masses. The poster might the best option for this kind of research because in Chicago there is similar problem with rats, in fact there more rats in Chicago than in New York City. The way they solved this problem is by printing out posters with ugly rats and sating that rats are the public enemy and then putting the posters up in public spaces such as metro stations, parks and public bathrooms. These posters caused people to think twice before littering. The population of rats decreased after this. You can also google these posters (“Chicago rat posters”) for inspiration. Also you could try including rhyming phrases such as “if rats can’t feed, rats can’t breed” for more engaging and remembering experience.
Strangers, it’ll always be strangers that may listen to your podcast. It’ll be people who are looking for something interesting to hear and pay attention to. After a few podcasts, I can go back and see the stats of the podcast and whatever age it shows then that’ll be my main audience. This age range will probably be around young adults, like 16-20 or maybe something younger or older. It all depends on their interests, not really age wise. Their interests can be about the Spider-Man character itself, or just being a Marvel fan in general. If they’re interested then they’ll go with it, if not then it’s up to them.
I would say that you can also use social media and things like youtube to reach your audience because not everyone uses the same platforms for information. I do like that you gave examples of the type of things that would be discussed on the podcast. Also i think you can do a blog because of the fact that you are doing one of the most popular super heros a blog might reach more people because a lot of older people still like him like his fans
My audience would be the youth of today’s generation. Social media is stable in our everyday lives but it is essential for teens to be aware of the negative effects. As well as being mindful of social media usage. Concerns might be that negative effects are exaggerated, be in denial that they’re even addicted, etc. Some genres I would choose would be script for a radio or television interview, a children’s book and a play or film script
The type of audience I would like to share my research with is educators so that way they can help the younger generations more than they can. I would want educators to know about these things so that students would be more open to going to school than skipping. If teachers could make school more interesting it would make students more comfortable to go. Normally teachers think that videogames are bad and that they won’t teach you anything. If they were to be more open to games they would be able to relate to the students and see what they see in games. I would use a academic poster to get the main points across so that way people can absorb the essential information that they would need to help students even more. I would also do a interview to see if teachers even look into things like how to relate to students more. You can also post the video to social media to get more recognition and influence more and more teachers
The most important information that I will with my audience is how harmful alcohol is. The affects of the alcohol on the nervous system and various organ systems that are essential for normal functioning. I am trying to reach college students with my research because college students at least 50% of the college have consumed an alcoholic beverage last month. I am planning to write an interview because it is specific. Interview answers specific questions and cuts right to the point without unnecessary information. I plan to find an expert in the medical field that can is able to answer a set of questions that I have compiled beforehand.
I want to teach my audience that video games are not as bad as they seem and that they can actually teach you lessons. People like to say that video games are a waste of time but they never really do research into it but you will see that video games teach cooperation and many other skills. The audience that I am trying to reach is future and current educators that video games won’t actually harm students the way they think they will. I would like to do an educational poster because it’s for educators and they always don’t have time so something that gets the main points across would be great. The way I would get started is to do research to see how educational posters are structured and then gather the most important parts of what I am trying to tell the educators. The thing I am worried about is that I might mess up the poster or forget to include some key points or other important information.
You could also add how some few video games can be therapeutic on top of being educational, in some sense. What popular games out there are great for de-stressing? Also, since your topic revolves around video games and you’re making a poster, you could make it more visually appealing by adding images from the games you talk about. Another format you could use is PowerPoint to present your topic.
An educational poster is great for your topic, but educators of what age? As in, high school or elementary? Also, what if the educator chooses not to show your poster? Will this be optional or mandatory? Maybe something that would speak and grab attention from your audience will be helpful. Something that it isn’t just for them to read and look at, but to get their mind thinking and start following your reasons on why video games aren’t as bad as what people say but instead they teach you something. Do you know what example you would use to follow your topic, what video game taught you something while playing? Mentioning an example that happened in your life may get them to relate a bit and grab their attention. These are just questions I have about an educational poster and how it would grab your audience’s attention and what you would do with it afterwards.
A specific audience I would like to share my argument and research with are college students and adolescents. Rats are a serious problem in New York City and their population is going to continue to increase unless we start to make a change. This is why I would like to share my research with the younger and upcoming generations. It’s important for them to know the circumstances of the problem. I was unaware of how the rat problem was worsening and most likely there are plenty of college students, high schoolers, and middle schoolers who are unaware as well. Since some people in the upcoming generation are naive about the problem, they can contribute to making it worse without even knowing. Studies have shown that people younger than nineteen years old frequently litter the most, and next are individuals who are younger than thirty years old. How can we expect to decrease the rat population when children and younger adults are littering because they are unaware of the consequences of their actions? Nobody wants rats in their homes, schools, parks, or subways, so if the younger generation knows that their actions are causing these unwanted circumstances, possibly an impactful change can come in the near future where rats are rarely seen in New York City neighborhoods. The genre I plan to write is a twitter thread because it will reach my ideal audience. Many middle schoolers, high school students, and college students are on twitter and, at the very least, have heard about it. Therefore, the best way to provide them with the information from my research would be through this app. My first step is to take all the information I learned from my research and make it short but still impactful. Since my target audience is young adults and teenagers, having too much information might scare them or make them uninterested. As a result, the information I provide must be brief, to the point, effective, and entertaining. I have no worries or concerns regarding the completion of this project.
I would like my audience to learn about the potential implications of carbon fiber for future uses that could improve many aspects of our lives and maybe lead to finding ways to better reduce carbon emissions. The full potential of carbon fiber is still to be unlocked and, so far, only the surface has been scratched. My target audience is high school and college students that are interested in creating new technologies that could benefit everyone. The genre I plan on using to get information across is an infographic poster. Infographic posters are easy on the eyes of many young minds. They make it easier for viewers/learners to comprehend complex information and in a short amount of time. To start, I would search for an appropriate template that would best display my topic and work on organizing the information I have so that it isn’t to difficult for viewers to understand. So far, my only concern is that I might not have all of the necessary information or that my research doesn’t come across the way I intend it to.
This is a great research to share with high school and college students as they are the future generation. Carbon fiber is the material of the future. An Infographic poster is a great way to present it to the masses. You should definitely include interesting picture that show the structure of the carbon fiber. This would help the audience to understand the poster more. You can use fotor ai for generating pictures of carbon fiber that are unique. If possible try using graphs and compare the carbon fiber to different materials such titanium and stainless steel. I think a histogram or a bar graph would be the best to represent the comparison.
If you’re trying to reach high schoolers and college students, then your genre fits well to get their attention and not lose by saying a lot of unnecessary information. But what will you do to those who are interested but have questions? Maybe a podcast to answer all the questions or maybe a Twitter thread to get everyone’s opinion and share thoughts on how to reach Carbon Fiber’s full potential, these are just things to have in mind. But besides all that, this all sounds well planned out and reasonable. Do you know the specific information you will include in your Infographic Poster? This all looks great and I hope you put enough thought into your topic when putting it to work. Not much should be changed but some things may have to be added to reach your audience of High School and College students. They may walk past your poster, so maybe something that catches their full attention may do the trick.
Something I would like to teach my audience will be, wait, how does my topic teach anyone? I mean, can I teach someone about a Marvel Character? Let me try to answer things instead of asking them. Since my topic is about teenagers and their reasoning on why a Marvel character is popular, then it can teach them more and/or it can bring in more people who may like this character. This is something teachable if you think about it, a small portion of all the information there is about this character all in one essay, that can teach someone something about this character and it can probably inspire others too. The audience I would be trying to reach would be teenagers, or just around the age of 15-20, maybe even above. Alright, how about my audience would be the people who are interested in this Marvel Character and probably even Marvel in general. To reach these people, I think a Podcast would be a great genre to reach them. A podcast is just like Twitter posts but you can talk it out, basically just a recorded audio of friends talking about random stuff but this time it wouldn’t be random but it would be about the Unit 2 topic I did. My first step would be to know how to start this. As funny as it sounds, I don’t know how to start a Podcast genre but I chose this genre because I didn’t know what other genres out there would best fit my Unit 2 research question. Something I would be worried about would be that I get stuck in the Thinking part of this assignment and waste a bunch of time. My concerns about finishing this project is to just finish it well, as in to put enough effort for a good grade.
You could use your topic to teach young adults who want to be writers how to create similar characters. As for how you start a podcast, welcome listeners and introduce yourself(s). Then, just bring up the topic you want to spend some time talking about the way you would start a conversation.
I would share my research with students interested in the internet and cybersecurity. This audience is important as they represent the next generation of internet users and potential professionals in the field of cybersecurity. I would use Twitter, a podcast, an infographic, or an academic poster presentation. I think these options would fit great as students often use social media, or online for presentations. With Twitter, students can read the topic straight on, as each tweet is details about the topic which makes it easy to understand. A podcast would work great as well since the host can bring a professional and talk about the topic with a lot of details about what not to do and more. As for infographics or academic posters use visual elements, its easy to understand the format as it shows charts, graphs, images, and diagrams for the information of the topics.
I want to teach my audience about the dark web and cybersecurity. These two are linked together, like how the dark web is linked to cybersecurity threats, such as stolen data hacking tools, and cyberattacks. The genre I’m planning to write about is Twitter because it’s easy to use, users (audience) can quickly share thoughts, and information in one tweet. Each tweet can be different types of information about the topic for example in one tweet it can be about the dark web and then in the other tweet, it can be about cybersecurity. I would start a first tweet about the dark web definitions and learn more about the dark web, then make another tweet for cybersecurity as both topics are linked together.
A concise, informative series of tweets could capture attention and interest but might not allow for the depth this audience typically seeks. Yet, it’s an effective way to pique interest and encourage further exploration of the topic.
I would like my research which in this case is about climate change to impact young lives and or mid 20s people. By doing so, I hope that these people who are interested in saving our planet would take this research seriously and help out by reducing different types of wastes. They can start off by practicing the three R’s which is Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Everyone can reduce waste by being mindful of reusing items instead of buying new ones and recycling materials whenever possible. An example for some concerns might be increased drought, more severe storms, or hotter temperature due to greenhouse gas concentrations. The audience which is interested in researching about climate change typically know what can cause it, and what they think about it is based on their opinion. The 3 genres that would be best to spread this research by is a podcast, a children’s book, and a radio or television.
The thing I want to tech my audience is why children books are important and how they teach children. my audience will be children and the parents who raise children as well. I chose this genre because it was given to me and I always read children’s books to my nephew. my first step is probably reading a book and see its perspective on how children who read one is.