Lucien Spect | D440 | Fall 2023

Agenda: Week 10

Green and red apples on dark soil
fallen crabs” by fen-tastic via Flickr CC BY-ND 2.0


Unit Two Due 10/30/23

WRITE: Finish your Annotated Bibliography!

Introduction (approx. 300 words)

  • Introduce your question.
  • Explain how or why you got interested in your question.
  • Explain what you expect to find in your research.

Write your Final Source entry (with MLA citation, Summary, and Rhetorical Analysis)

Conclusion (at least 400 words). For your conclusion: 

  • You will summarize what you found in your research
  • You will tell readers what surprised you, or how your understanding of your question deepened or changed. (Spoiler: if the answer is “not at all”, you did not do enough research.) 
  • You will explain why what you learned is important
  • You will explain who you think needs to know about it and why (Another spoiler: be specific!  The answer can not be “everyone.”  That is too big of an audience.  Narrow it down to who needs to hear about it first!)

Put the whole Reflective Annotated Bibliography together and make it look nice! Double check the requirements on the assignment page (linked above).



Write a short reflection (approx. 150-200 words) on the research process and what you learned. In your reflection, consider the following questions: What did you find difficult about doing this type of research? In doing this type of research, what did you learn that you can take to future classes? Post it as a comment on this page.


  1. David Rivera

    I learned that video games have a significant impact on the younger generations to come based off of the lessons they teach people. The thing that I found difficult with this work was trying to find the right source to use that will have people to have to think about thoroughly. I learned that summarizing something can be a nice way to remember key things that you read. I also learned that video games can actually prepare for some of the hard decisions and choices that you will have to deal with in life.I also found that it was difficult to actually write that many words for like the conclusions because at times i would get lost and just not have enough words. I also learned how to research things better so now for class things should be easier to research and find when I have to do future assignments. 

  2. Kalvin Harris

    From my research, I learned rats arrived in New York City on ships coming from England and that the rat population is growing so fast because the people who live here are giving them all the essentials they need to survive.  The increasing rat population and the food waste problem in New York City are associated with one another.  If we keep wasting food then the rat population is only going to grow more and more.  This research has also taught how persistent rats can be when it comes to surviving as a species.  They are shockingly excellent swimmers and reproduce extremely fast; two rats are capable of having 15,000 descendants in only one year.  What I found difficult about doing this type of research was making sure my sources were the best possible sources.  I wanted to make sure the sources I used answered my research question, were credible, had accurate information, and, most importantly, were enjoyable.  Summarizing and writing a rhetorical analysis of a source that wasn’t interesting would have made the research process miserable.  A valuable lesson I learned by completing my research that I could bring to future classes is being prepared and planning for the future.  Planning what sources to summarize and analyze each day benefited me immensely, instead of doing all three sources in one day.

  3. Denis Belyaev

    I took a lot of new knowledge about alcohol and how it gets processed by our organ systems, and the effects of it on separate organs. Alcohol can be both harmful and useful for people. It is the most reliable and most common antiseptic that kills 99% of the germs, and at the same it reacts as a dopamine bomb when it is inside our system. Alcohol is one of the oldest drugs known to humanity. Alcohol existed before the Roman Empire and still exists up to this day. Alcohol made sailing for long distances possible by being the preservative for water. But at a the same time it is really deadly and addictive. It can cause serious brain damage which relates to symptoms such as loss of coordination, emotional instability and memory loss. What I found difficult doing this research is working through each and then compiling the most revenant and useful pieces of information in the summary as there is so much interesting information in each source. This research has also taught how to find the most relevant and reliable source for questions. What I can take from this research into the future is the ability to search and analyze information and quickly planning what I will use and what is not relevant,

  4. David S

    The research process wasn’t easy but also not that hard. Finding sources related to your question was fine, but finding smoothing useful in them and worth writing is different. Something I can take to my future classes will be how to cite in  MLA format and also perhaps how to rest before I get a headache on whatever I’m writing on. These would be something I would take to my future classes, as they would be the stuff I should’ve known or got to know before starting this essay. The whole essay in general was a bit simple and quick 1-2-3. But what caught me off guard was the amount of time it took me to come up with a question. Maybe I should jot some ideas down for it could help me come up with something to write about because the most time spent on this essay was the Thinking part. 

    • Ivan Christian Dagondon

      Searching for sources wasnt easy, but I just kept searching and eventually found the sources I needed. While searching, I learned a lot about my question and how it works. I learned that in the dark web theres no restriction and it’s like a free of speech web, people not only use it for illegal stuff but for privacy. What I found difficult was to find reliable sources since the dark web is hidden and sources that stays up to date since its constantly changing with its informations. What I can use for the future while doing this bibliography was the research skills and critical thinking. I can enhance my ability to research sources and use credible information. And with critical thinking it can help me analyze and break down information to find a solution with the source or problem.

  5. Nour benfakha

    I learned that rice can be cooked in many different ways and inherited in different cultures. what I found difficult in this research process was trying to write about a recipe which was the genre of my research. another thing I found difficult was trying to look for sources in the city tech library because of specific my question was. also trying to find a question was difficult. what I learned was how rice was made in different ways also using science and in how many different ways of cultural parts of asia and africa it has been used.

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