I started my internship at the end of December 2015. I met with my supervisor a couple of times, and we figured out the scope of my internship and what I would essentially do there for the next 5 months. So we made a list:
And a week later or so, we added deadlines to each of the projects we were going to work on. So initially we were going to start off with product photoshoots, home try on shoot, lookbooks, website mockup/design, business model graphic, visuals for social media. And we were going to work on these things at different times.
We started off with product photoshoots. I did a few product shoots, edited the photos, and everything was going according to plan. Then during the end of February/beginning of March, things started going crazy. I was doing website mockups, designing pitch presentations, working on shot list of the home try on shoot, simultaneously, not to mention senior project, portfolio and three other classes I was taking.
Honestly, everything boils down to how well you manage time. Sometimes I felt I spent too much time on school and not enough time for the internship, and vice versa. So it was very challenging to balance school and internship projects.
And secondly, not everything may go according to plan/schedule. There will be times where deadlines change, and you have to adjust your work schedule to accommodate to the changing schedule.
So it has been a great learning experience in terms of managing time well, and working on multiple projects simultaneously.