I usually go to the office Tuesday & Thursdays after class, around 12pm. Sometimes, I go once a week, and rest of the days work from home. It turns out to be between 5-7 hours a week. The schedule is very flexible. You have to be buzzed in twice in order to get in, because there is expensive inventory in the office. The office is located on the 23rd floor, so the view is really nice when we pull up the blinds in the conference room.
The environment is very casual at Antandre. The office is very small, with four individual rooms, and a conference room. I work in the conference room. Most of the times, we are on our laptops, working on a project. Sometimes, I’m taking product shots for social media and website. Lot of times I find myself looking out of the window, staring at the architecture, at the traffic on the road, at the people walking by, which helps me stimulate my creative senses and come up with good ideas.
Currently we are working on a big photoshoot. We’ve hired a photographer, model and rented a studio in SoHo. So we are working on the shot list, prop list and what the shots will be used for later on.
Sometimes, I just spend all day shooting product shots, selecting and editing them. So overall, it’s very flexible working here.