Unit 1: Career Materials


For this firstĀ formal assignment, you are doing a “mini” job search in your field, choosing a specific job ad, and creating/revising Career Materials (a Cover Letter and Resume) in response.

Below are detailed guidelines for this assignment:

    • Resume (First Draft Due Thursday, Feb 26):Ā 1-2 pages (preferable to get it on 1 page, unless you have a substantial amount of relevant experience). Make sure that youā€™re only including skills, experiences, and other information relevant to this particular job.
    • Cover Letter (First Draft Due Thursday, March 5):Ā Your letter should beĀ one pageĀ (4 paragraphs: Introduction, Conclusion, plus paragraph about education, and paragraph about experience), and should follow the formatting and guidelines discussed in in class. Remember that the Cover Letter is not simply a re-statement of the skills/experience you list in your resume, but instead a narrative that pieces together your various qualifications (expanding a few key points from your resume) and persuades your audience (in this case, the employers) to give you an interview &/or hire you.


    • Revision (Revisions of resume and cover letter due Thursday, March 12):Ā Your Career MaterialsĀ should beĀ significantly revisedĀ from your first draft of them (based on the reading, in-class discussions, peer review, and individual conferences with me). You should make both global revisions (re-thinking/adding to content, organization, paragraph development) as well as local revisions (editing, proofreading, formatting).

Note on Audience/Purpose/Context:Ā Remember to consider your ā€œaudienceā€ (who the Cover Letter and Resume are addressed to) for this particular job,Ā and to adjust your approach/tone/content accordingly. Make sure to read the ā€œjob adā€ carefully, looking at required/must-have qualifications and desired/ideal qualifications, and craft your Cover Letter and Resume in response (knowing what to prioritize on there based on your own strengths). Use active (not passive) voice and clear language, and make absolutely sure your materials are error-free.


Grading:Ā You will be graded accordingly to the quality of your final product of the Career Materials, the thorough/critical process of your revision, and the thoughtfulness of your reflection.

Submission:Ā You should submit your Career Materials through an upload form here on our Open Lab siteā€”I will post that form in the next few days.

Your final draft should be submitted in the following order: your Reflection Letter as the first page, Cover Letter as the second page, followed by your Resume (1-2 pages), and the Job Ad (link of URL + text ā€“ you can screenshot it).
